God's Glory and the start of revival.

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Psalms 19:1-2
The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what His hands have made. Each new day tells more of the story, and each night reveals more and more about God's power.

You can't tell me God isn't real. You can't tell me that the world was only an accident and that we're only here by chance because space wanted to explode on itself. You can't tell me God isn't real because we can't physically see Him right now.

I know God is real.
So people can't tell me otherwise.

God existed because He made the world. Since God made the world and us, we see glimpses of Him. Artists always put glimpses of themselves in their work. If you read a novel, you'll see the writer's beliefs, passions, perspective of the world, and characteristics. It's the same with God.

Psalms says that the heavens tell about God's glory and that the sky itself, announces what He made. Everything on earth, even the days, tell us God is real and shows us examples of God.

An example for me is thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are beautiful and its rains are comforting to me – always have been because it helps me sleep. However, the thunder and lightings scare me because I know they are powerful. If I stand outside in a thunderstorm, there's always a chance to get struck and I feel the power of the winds and the loudness of the thunder terrifies me. What that shows me is God's mercy and comfort with the rain but also that He is powerful God Almighty.

My body tells me that my God is very detailed and amazing because how did he get all my pieces to work in harmony?

The stars tell me that my God is creative and amazing because all those stars and then we get a milky way? That's pretty neat. The sky, earth, and water shows me that God is a genius because he made different realms within our realm. Touch the sur face of water – you're touching a boundary to a new world!

Even the days are amazing to me because each day is a new beginning when time starts again and if you have a friend across the world or you go across the world – you're basically time traveling!

God made everything in such a way that I can't fathom it all. It blows my mind, actually, and I wonder if I'll ever understand just how amazing and smart God is and how His higher His ways are to little old me. See all of this, thinking about all of this – why would people ever think we're accidents?

That the universe just farted us out?

God took the time to carve the world – mold it – and create us. He took the time choosing your hair and eyes and even that weird but sweet laugh you dislike so much. He took the time to make us and even after we sinned and ruined all His beautiful work and harmony, He still chose to keep us and turn those broken pieces in a stain glass masterpiece.

He did it through Jesus Christ, His Holy Son. When Christ died on the cross, it was for us, knowing it will save us and bring us back to God – to walk with him again in a new garden. In our new gardens, God is making it beautiful and using our brokenness to bring about His glory and beauty once again.

Like He did in Genesis: He saw how blain and dark the world was and then he spoke and said "Let there be light." And there was light. He did the same to us.

I had three dreams. The first was some weeks ago and the recent two was yesterday and today. God's cleaning house right now. Everything that needs to be weeded out and tossed aside is happening now. All the baggage we're carrying – it's going to be tossed. The bad harvest that's mixed with our good harvest – it's being tossed. All the dirt and spiders in our sanctuaries – it's getting cleaned right now. As we press into Christ – God's going to be showing us things in our lives that needs to go. It might be bitterness – unforgiveness – passiveness – whatever pops us, its going to make us uncomfortable and that's good. It's good to get uncomfortable because it means we're going to change.

God is bringing revival in our hearts.
I know He is.

Because everything that's happening – it can't be by chance.
It can only be God (Christ)

At His FeetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora