Job: God knows.

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Job 23:8-10

"I go east, but He is not there. I go west, but I cannot find Him. I do not see Him in the north, for He is hidden. I turn to the south, but I cannot find Him. But He knows where I am going. And when He has tested me like gold in a fire, He will pronounce me innocent."

Job perfectly spoke the words that just so few of us are able to get out of our throats, am I right? These passed two weeks have been an emotional season and a very hard season for me to be honest. Everything was going so well and then BAM! I seemed to have missed the memo of the pothole in front of me. Now, I'm just struggling with getting back up...depression knocked on the door and it brought stress and worry along with it. It has been hard and today I cried again because those anxieties and insecurities began coming back up and its just wearing me down. I guess that is why God brought this story to mind.

Everything was going so well for Job but in one second later, everything just hit the fan and broke the house down. Job was pushed and pressured and even accused by everyone for what had happened to him but he did NOT SIN AGAINST GOD!

He remained faithful and put his trust in God, knowing that God will prove his innocent when everybody else accused him of being wrong.

This scripture speaks loud to me because it is something we can all relate to; There are times like now where we just take one foot in front of the other just to breath, trying not to let the quietness of the night sink into our minds. We try not to worry, try to remind ourselves often that God is right here with us even when our fears try to play with us and tell us He isn't.

When I look at this scripture, I see my situation in the midst of the season I am going through.

I'm finding it hard to hear God and see God's hand in my life when I get anxious and depressed; everything just looks so bleak and dim...clouds of grey paints my windows and my body yearns to go back to sleep. It sounds hopeless right? But listen to the next time of Job's words.

"But He knows where I am going. And when He has tested me like gold in a fire, He will pronounce me innocent."

Just because my vision is a bit foggy, that does not mean I am invisible to God's ultimate sight! There is hope. God sees me and He is with me in this blurry season. He did not abandon me or leave me or run away from like I am the plague. Instead, He is making a way through this cloudy darkness and even though it is hard and at times really disheartening...there is always hope in God. God makes all things work for the good of those who love Him. He will take these experiences and turn them around to use for good. God will use me to help others and/or teach me to love others how I wish to be loved right now.

God is good,

He knows the plans He has for me.

He is faithful.

He sees.

He is in control.

I am not alone.

And neither are you. 

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