[Baekhyun ft. EXO] Remember

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This one is for @unnie_noona1004 who has her birthday today! *cue party poppers.*

I included myself just as you requested xD. I hope you enjoy this gift of mine. Happy Birthday!


"Psst, Jell, they're coming." My best friend, Euwon, nudged me to pry my attention away from what I was writing. I followed where her lips were pointing, and immediately saw 12 familiar men strutting across the hallway, making every girls nearby melt inwardly with just one glance. But in my case, I could only groan.

They've come to do their daily tradition: Walking me home after school.

"Knock knock," one of them said as soon as they reached my room. Without even glancing up, I could tell other girls are sending me envious stares, and I also could tell that it was Chen trying to make a knock knock joke.

"See ya later." I sighed at Euwon and she just gave me a sorry look. She's the only one that understands my situation. Though it's almost unbelievable to think, being courted by 12 overly handsome men all at the same time is worse than getting ebola (okay maybe I'm exaggerating but you get the point). Not only do I get death threats in my Social Media accounts, but also an excessive everyday dose of cheesy jokes from these boys. Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder what did I ever do to deserve this mess. For all I know, they could just be toying with me and making bets on who would be able to melt me first.

"Good afternoon Jelly!" Tao greeted brightly.

"It's Jell. Not Jelly!"

"But it suits you so well! Your cheeks are as soft as jelly!" Chanyeol proceeded to pinch my cheek.

"And you smell as sweet as jelly." Lay winked.

Ugh, these stubborn creeps.

"Hey, Jelly, I said knock knock!" Chen flirtatiously poked my waist.

I grunted and rolled my eyes. "Fine. Who's there?"


Complaints started echoing.

"Oh my God not again."

"Nooo! Don't answer!" Several of the boys started grabbing my arms again as they tried to pull me to their sides.

"Chen who."

"Oh God," Tao muttered under his breath, and the others just covered their ears.

"I~~~m gonna swiiiiiiiiiiing from the CHENdilieeer, from the CHENdilieeeeeer

*cue group face-palm.*

"Oh look a butterfly." Luhan pointed at somewhere random to break the painful silence.

"You guys are so cruel," Chen muttered.

"Oh by the way Jelly, we have some news for you." Kris scooted closer, making sure his arm was significantly brushing against mine. Their antics are so old that I can already read past every single one of them.

"We're going to have our audition for a company tomorrow!" Suho stated proudly.

"Do you wanna go and watch us?" Kai slightly smirked, obviously looking for a chance to show off his dance moves.

"I'm not sure guys."

"Awww!" Xiumin broke down into aegyos. Oh stahp it Xiumin you're already too old for that aegyo stuff.

"It will be so much more fun with you!" D.O suddenly held my hands and looked at me with his infamous puppy eyes. Nope D.O, that ain't gonna work on me anymore.

"I already have plans tomorrow. I'm sorry." I sighed, pretending to be really sorry, but actually I'm just so relieved that we finally reached my house."I'll just wish you luck. I hope you get accepted."

"That's more than enough. Thank you." Baekhyun softly smiled. Wow, what's up with him? He's usually the cheesiest one. He's quite toned down today.

"Well, I'll go inside now..."

"Goodnight babe. Dream of me." Sehun winked, and I just chuckled. Waving them one last goodbye, I finally went in. Sighing, I shook my head.

It seems they forgot it's my birthday tomorrow.


I watched the beautiful streaks of color in the sky as the sun started to set. I was in my favorite ice cream shop, eating my favorite frozen yogurt, and sitting in my favorite seat just beside the big glass window. It's not much, but it's enough to serve as my own way of celebrating my birthday.

Euwon has already left a few minutes ago because she has a curfew, so now it's just me and my yogurt. I can say that I'm happy just like this, but then I would be lying. Somehow, I feel like things would be better if... if those 12 boys are here. Sure, I've grown a bit sick of their handsome faces, but honestly speaking, they were the only exciting things that happen in my life. I may enjoy a peaceful silence, but from time to time, I'd like to be in a vibrant atmosphere too.

But... too bad they have other important things to do today.

Sighing, I just finished up what's little left of my yogurt, preparing to go home soon. I suddenly heard a knock on the glass wall.


He was standing there outside, holding a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JELLY!" sign. He was smiling brightly and doing aegyos, making me laugh. After doing about 50 different sorts of aegyos, he finally decided to come around and enter the shop.

As soon as he sat across me on the table, I noticed that he was sweating like crazy.

"I... I thought you have an audition today?"

"Yeah, we just did. I came straight here as soon as we're done."

"Really?" For a teeny tiny bit, I felt touched. I could see efforts on this one. "How did it go?"

He tried to bite back his grin, but it seeped out of his lips anyway. "We got accepted."

"Jinjja???" I gasped, and I reached out to give him a warm hug.

"We're going to be celebrities~" he singsonged.

"Congratulations!!!" I had to pause to look around. "But why aren't you with the others? Aren't you supposed to be celebrating?"

"I am celebrating. Here, beside you." He smiled. In normal circumstances, I would only roll my eyes at his cheesy remark, but for some reason, today is an exception. I blushed and looked away like a little school girl.

"They went to somewhere else. Not that I'm bragging, but I was the only one who remembered your birthday." He made a face that sort of said 'I'm awesome.' "You don't put personal infos in your social media accounts so those idiots couldn't easily know this tiny important fact."

I raised a brow, masking my awe with my usual sassy face. But deep inside, I'm truly impressed. "Then how did you know?"

"Being awesome has it's perks." He smirked, and I just laughed. He started motioning around. "Your favorite place. Your favorite spot. Your favorite food and your favorite time of the day; I know them all."

"Now I'm not sure if I should be creeped out."

It was his turn to laugh. But taking on a serious note, I reached out the table to gently squeeze his hand.

"Thank you, Baekhyun."

Smiling, he squeezed back, eyes sparkling with a beautiful glow I failed to notice before.

"Anything for you, my Jelly."


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