[Kris] Looking into Your Eyes

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For @cluelessyehet_me! I hope it melts your heart. :3


I could feel my hands shaking and turning clammy as I anticipated the moment Wu YiFan would walk past me. There he was at the school gates, ever so glorious and confident and oozing with his usual perfection. I wanted him to notice me. Sure, every girl in this school wanted the same thing, but I'm sure that I'm different. I fell for him not only because he was unbelievably gorgeous; I fell for him because of his everything.

His wisdom, his talents, his smile and his mysterious vibe. Take away his good looks, and my feelings still won't change a single bit.

"K-Kris...," I stuttered out the name everybody else calls him with. I was sure I looked starstruck at that moment, just like the usual. I was planning on giving a friendly greeting. A light joke, maybe, but all my voice was drained out the moment my eyes met with his. And he just looked down at me with an expression that probably meant,

"Oh this girl again. When would she realize that I will never like her back?"

He quickly looked away and continued walking as if he never saw me at all. Of course. What did I expect? Just like any other girl, I confessed my "love" to him. And just like any other girl, I could only go as far as being a fan.

And he will never know how deep I've truly fallen for him.


That afternoon was just like every other day of the week. Classes ended, I waited for Wu YiFan to leave school, I squeeze through his cluster of fangirls but get shoved to the side. I scream his name, he doesn't notice, so I just give up and call it a day.

Now I'm walking along the street towards home, daydreaming that maybe tomorrow, he will finally notice me.

Then much to my surprise, things became a little bit different.

"Hey miss!"

I whipped around and saw three students from my school, but I didn't recognize any of them. My brows furrowed.

"Yes? Do I know you?"

"No, but you're cute." Then they laughed, and my blood ran cold when I realized that they were drunk. Seriously? It's not even evening yet and they're already drunk??

"I-I'm sorry, but I have to go." Trying to stay calm, I turned around and started to brisk walk, but just like I dreaded, one of them grabbed my arm. His bloodshot eyes glared straight into my forehead.

"It's rude to turn your back on people talking to you."

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to--"

"I guess you should do something for us as an apology, right cutiepie?"

Another guy pushed me back against the fences and started playing with the hem of my skirt.

I wanted to cry. I already felt so violated, but I couldn't do anything about it. There were just too many I can handle.

"So how would you like to start?"

"No!" I squirmed and tried to push back the guy that was about to kiss my neck. But then his companions held my wrists as he forcefully tilted aside my face. The smell of alcohol was all around me.

What did I do to deserve this?


Someone yelled out loud, causing the drunks to stop for a moment. Though tears were blurring my eyes, the figure was too familiar that I was definitely sure that it was him.

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