[Luhan] Forever and Ever

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Part One:

» [Luhan] The Gift



"Jagiya~" You heard Luhan call out while you were busy preparing foods in the kitchen. Before you could even answer, he was already running down the stairs and jumped to wrap you in a warm back hug.

"Jagiya~" He sing-songed, making you laugh. He was having one of his cuddle attacks again.

"Mmmm, you smell like pie." He buried his face into your hair, and you finally turned around to pinch his cheeks, smiling.

"Jagi, I really do want to cuddle right now, but we have to prepare the food. Our parents are gonna arrive soon, and we wouldn't want them to see an empty dinner table, right?"

He smiled and pecked you on the lips, catching you by surprise. There was something about the happy glow in his eyes. It was brighter than you have ever seen before.

"Don't worry much, jagi. They said they'll bring foods as well. They don't want my jagi get tired on a Christmas eve."

He smiled, and your stomach started fluttering. You have been in a relationship for almost a year and yet, you could still get these fluttery feelings whenever he smiles.

"Well then, at least we have to clean up. The pie will be out the oven in ten minutes and by then, we're done." You pecked him as well before turning to check the time in your watch. It's almost ten. You were about to go to cleaning, but froze when you noticed the ever so familiar bracelet you were wearing.

'We are one'

You smiled. The engraved words now seem to have a deeper meaning compared to that first night in the gift store. Now that you think of it, that Christmas eve seemed to be more magical than any Christmas you have ever had.

You felt Luhan wrap an arm around your waist as he gently held your wrist to look at the bracelet.  "Do you know what I thought when I saw you there at the counter that night, holding that bracelet in the glass box?"

He flashed a soft smile before continuing.

"I thought I was just seeing things. I thought, 'is that girl real? If I move , would she disappear?' Because babe, you were the prettiest girl I have ever seen."

You bit your lip, not sure whether to feel flattered or embarrassed. He placed his arm so your couple bracelets were side by side.

"You know... I thought you were not real too." You blushed and couldn't meet his eyes. "With your pink hair and all. I actually wondered if you were an angel."

You ran a hand through his soft hair, which is now dyed brown, but still equally dazzling. It was his turn to smile shyly. Gawd this conversation is getting too cheesy, but it made you feel like the happiest girl on earth. Luhan turned you around so both of you were face to face.

"I love you so much, _______. Ever since that second I laid my eye on you."

"I know, jagi. I love you too." He leaned in to give you a kiss. He wanted to prolong the moment, but you had to pull back because you really had to set the table already. Laughing, he went around and started grabbing some plates. It would be your first Christmas Eve with Luhan's parents, so you were determined to make it the most special as you can.

A little past ten, your parents finally arrived with a huge bowl of fruit salad, and a fruitcake. It made you almost burst into tears of happiness as you saw that yours and Luhan's parents were getting along really well. It was like they were already BFFs.

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