[Baekhyun] Arcade Booth

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You stood by the gate of the school and looked at the lively colors everywhere. *Sigh.*

“Do I really have to do this?” You thought. Would it really be worth it? Would you really be willing to risk your dignity again just for a perfect final exam score? Hmmm.........


What kind of idiot would let such an opportunity pass by? It’s just 12 stars anyway, and that would surely be as easy as pie for you.

“Now, where should I start?” You tapped your chin as you started walking around. There were lots of excited students everywhere, and you silently prayed that your insane friends weren’t one of them. And to even make things harder, you couldn’t differentiate outsiders from students since your principal allowed civilian clothes for this even. God, who knows what they’ll do to you this time? Surely, they’re already plotting some weird things to do this year. And you had no intention in getting involved with any of those. You shook your head, deciding to forget about them and just try to enjoy. As you looked left, a retro-looking signage caught your eye. It said, “ARCADE BOOTH.”

Hm, that doesn’t seem so bad. You walked towards it and as soon as you got in the door, the overpowering smell of man-sweat ran past your nostrils. You almost gagged. Uhh, maybe we should just try another booth.

“Hey there! How may I help you?” A blonde guy wearing hipster glasses greeted before you could even turn back. He was sitting behind the table at the front, and his nametag said “Baekhyun.” He was probably the person in charge here. You had no choice but to return his square shaped smile with a forced one.

“Uh, I’m here for a star.”

Jinjja?” His eyes widened. “You’re the first girl to ask for that here.”

“Oh really,” you answered lifelessly as you looked around. “So what do I do? Raffle? Play for hours?”

“Beat me in one game,” He stood up, still smiling. You raised an eyebrow. Really? But he looked... nerdy. He didn’t look like a hardcore gamer. It’s been a while since you played in these things, but yeah, you once became a Gaming God. Not sure if that’s still applicable today, tho.

He guided you towards a special looking spot at the corner of the place. There was a flat screen TV attached to the wall, and a game console with 2 controllers was sitting prettily at the small table at the side. There were tons of games stacked on the shelf below it. As the two of you sat down, you placed your messenger bag under the chair and grabbed your own controller. You glanced at the Baekhyun guy, and saw him looking at you as well.

“What game do you want?” He was still smiling. This guy’s quite weird.

“I can choose whatever I want?”

“Yeah, we have everything. What do you feel most confident in?”

Confident, huh? Ok then. With a smirk slowly creeping up your lips, you gave him a challenging stare. “Tekken Tag Tournament, if that’s ok with you.”

Nodding brightly, he motioned for his assistant to insert the game. Once again, you glanced at him, but he seemed oblivious of your not-so-friendly attitude and even winked at you. Chuckling, you started throwing combos at him, but much to your surprise, he was able to counter every. Damn. Move. Your pride was starting to get bruised. No, you can’t let this nerd beat you. Not one with hipster glasses!!

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