[Kai] Centaur

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Centaur /n /

» a creature with head, arms, and upper body of a man, and the body and legs of a horse.

I don't know how to photoshop Kai into a centaur so I just give you this sizzling hot pic instead. xD

~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*

"Guys?" You called out, but heard nothing other than the crickets. The moon was full and the trees looked quite sinister under the dark sky, reminding you every second that joining this game was not a good idea in every way.

You shouldn't have said yes.

You shouldn't have been scared of getting disappointed stares.

You shouldn't have thought that they will never leave you alone in this creepy forest.

Having no jacket to protect yourself from the biting cold, you just hugged youself and continued walking aimlessly. It was impossible to see anything far ahead due to the deep shadows, and there's no cell reception in this place. This camping only went wrong in so many levels.

"Guys I give up! I'll just sleep outside okay?" But of course, no answer. Fricking bitches. They're probably enjoying themselves with their boyfriends now that they successfully got rid of the only single girl in the group.

"'Let's play hide and seek. If you find us you get to keep your tent. Nyanyanyanyanya.' Lying bitch." You mocked Lara's voice in an exaggerated version. Grunting, you started brisk walking, not caring anymore if a ghost hears you kicking away fallen leaves. You took out your phone to try calling Lara again but of course, to no avail.

You rolled your eyes and was about to mutter something, but suddenly heard crunching of leaves from not that far away.You froze.

"Uhh... Hello?" It came out carefully, since you had no idea if it was someone good or bad or if it even was human.

"Lara?" You hid behind a tree just in case. "Sehun? Amber?"

A few seconds later, the person walked away as if he never even realized you were there. Squinting, you tried to see past the shadows, but it was impossible. Well, if it was someone from the group, he should've called your name if he was searching for you. Being left alone might actually be better than be with a serial killer.

Sighing, you slowly stepped away from the tree, but your back hit against something hard. You looked around, and saw someone's stomach.

A bare stomach.

You looked up and saw an insanely tall guy looking down at you in curiosity.

And when you looked down, it's like a brick was slapped across your face. He had horse legs. The skin from his stomach slowly faded into a black tint with fur, and he even had white linings on the ankles.

He was half man and half horse. He was a... a...

"...a centaur," you whispered, unable to stop staring at his stomach. Okay, let's just say his abs were more marvelous than his animal feet.

"Human," his low voice slightly shocked you, making you look up at him again. You realized that he looked like an average person--quite a handsome person, actually--if his nonhuman part were to be ignored.

His dark eyes sligtly narrowed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I um... I was uhh..." You blinked as you stuttered dumbly. What the hell is happening? Did they put drugs in your water bottle earlier? Or is this creature really right in front of your eyes?

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