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Feel free to skip this one, but if you're concerned about the news surrounding our baby Huang ZiTao recently, then maybe you can stay a bit and listen to me.

Maybe just a few of you know that Tao is my ultimate bias. He was the reason why I noticed EXO, and from the very start, I knew that I'd love him for all that he is. Cool Tao, Scaredy Tao, Silly Tao; I love all sides of him, especially the Selfless Tao.

When I read the news that his father wants him to leave EXO for the sake of his health, I wanted to be selfish and plead for Tao to stay. Because maybe SM is going to treat him better next time, right? Maybe he'll get his own management in China just like Lay, right?

But when I saw those pictures of Tao's injuries, for the first time, I cried. I didn't know it will come from my own mouth, but I actually said:

"Tao, maybe you really have to leave."

It's just so painful to see him so badly injured. As long as he's in EXO, he'll get an injury over another, without any of them fully healed because SM is just too selfish to let them rest for a long time. If his body gets permanently damaged because of the excessive strain, then there may come a time he won't be able to do wushu anymore. Maybe even dancing.

Do we want that for Tao, EXO'Ls? Do we want Tao to not be able to do the things he love anymore?

Maybe it would really be better if he just leave. I still secretly wish for him to stay, because OT9 will be so painful to see, but it will be more painful to see his face contorted in pain. Tao still hasn't released his statement yet, so for now, let's be strong for our baby Panda, EXO'Ls!

We just want him to be healthy, ne?

We will always be one, and in our hearts, it's OT12 that still prevails.

Yours truly,


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