[Suho] Cafe Booth

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”Free lunch,” you grumbled as you rubber your roaring stomach again. It was already an hour past lunchtime, but your pretty little friends that promised to buy you lunch were nowhere to be seen. Of course. Why did you even believe them? Promises are not their thing. You should’ve known that you’ll only end up with a broken heart. And an empty stomach. “Free lunch my ass.”

You stomped towards a random booth that smelled like food, and didn’t even bother knowing the name and slumped down on one of the round tables. You grabbed the menu laid in the middle and scanned the list of delicious sounding meals they had in here. Heck, you didn’t even care which one to choose anymore. Your stomach was an awakening kraken, and that kraken has to be fed immediately.

“Have you made your decision, madame?” Your eyes shot up at the male that appeared out of nowhere. The first thing you noticed was his butler outfit. The next was how hot he looked in it. His silky maroon hair was neatly gelled up, only further emphasizing his perfection. You looked around and realized that the other waiters were dressed with the same thing. Is this... a cosplay café? Wow. They really did look like they came straight out of an anime. It's like an otaku's dream come true. Awesome.

“I highly recommend our Apple Mint Pie. That is if you’re having difficulty choosing.” The handsome man, whose name was Kim Suho according to his nametag, continued smiling though his eyes were sparkling in amusement. Embarrassed that he caught you staring, you cleared your throat and returned your gaze to the menu. As you scanned under the “Sweet Delights” section, you noticed a certain name that had a star beside it.

“You offer stars here?” You asked. For a moment, his brows furrowed, and he scooted over to check. You almost fell backwards in surprise, but good thing was you had a good whiff of his cologne and a clear view of his flawlessly sexy neck. You tried your best not grab him and keep him beside you like that forever.

“Ah, yes.” His face brightened up as he stood straight again. Your heart kinda got broken a little. “We offer some... surprises in the delicacies that come with stars.”

“Really?” You stared at the picture of the “Choco Bomb.” Well, for a delicacy that comes with a surprise, it seems to be delicious. You’re going to pay for it anyway, so why not?

“Ok then. I’ll try this Choco Bomb.”

“Madame, are you sure?” His expression shifted to a half-concerned half-amused. This made your eyebrows raise. Was he challenging you? Aw hell no. This gurl nevet refuses a challenge.

“Um, yeah I’m sure.” You gave him a stare as you expected him to go fetch your order.

“As you wish, madame.” He curtsied and finally turned around.

“Wait, Suho,” you called out, and he seemed surprised that you knew his name. “Can you just drop the ‘madame’ thing? It makes me feel... old.”

His brows furrowed, but just in a second that perfect smile of his returned again. “What should I call you then?”

“_____. No honorifics whatsoever.” You offered your hand, and he automatically shook it. His eyes sort of dilated as he studied you closer.

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