[Chanyeol] Jail Booth

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Hissing, you wiped another drop of sweat from your forehead. It was already almost noon, and the sun was already glaring, and you could’ve glared back if it wouldn’t blind your precious eyes. You stomped towards the school garden, hoping that the trees could provide some cool air deprived in those overly crowded booths. Sighing, you made yourself comfortable under one tree and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. Ahh, no noise. Heavenly, quiet, serene.


A painfully familiar voice rang from your left. Shit. Shit shit shit. The insane duo is here. GOTTA RUN!!!!

“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere baby.” Amber laughed evilly as her and Eunji grabbed you before you could even run. You started kicking and whining.

“What are you gonna do to meeeee?? Let me gooooo!!!”

“Awww we love you too baby. Like, to death.” Amber pinched your cheeks as she emphasized the last part, making you shiver in fear.

“We’ve been searching for you aaaaaaall morning! Where have you been hibernating?!” Eunji started gnawing on your shoulder. Again. God this girl really acts like a wild animal sometimes.

“Been walking around. Doing... things.” You mumbled. They were just dragging you around, but knowing every bits and inches of their insane minds, you knew they were up to something.

“Are you going to throw me into a pit of chocolate again???”

“No they don’t have that booth this year.” Amber grumbled. You sighed in relief. At least you wouldn’t have to smell like chocolate for 3 straight days and have people creepily whispering, “Mmm you smell delicious, may I lick you?”

The thought alone made you shiver.

“Anyway, do you remember when we ate in a restaurant and I went to the washroom and I entrusted my pizza slice to you?” Eunji suddenly mused.

“And you ate it,” Amber added, pretending to be extremely disappointed. Your eyes widened.

“Why are you bringing that up again?!!!” This is DEFINITELY NOT a good feeling. This was exactly what they told you right before they threw you into that pit of chocolate!

“You know we can’t tolerate such behavior.” Eunji shook her head, making it sound even more dramatic. Before you could even protest, they already have pushed you into a cage like room—wait no, IT REALLY IS A FRICKIN CAGE!!!!

“Because of such terrible crime that you committed, you must be punished in jail! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!”


“See you later, baby! We’ll just walk around for a while, ok?” then they walked away as if nothing happened. By then, you were already at the edge of your sanity.

“AND THAT WAS FOUR YEARS AGO!!!” You screamed after them, but of course it still made no difference. The person in charge immediately locked the gate, officially locking you in. Sighing in defeat, you slumped on the cold floor and rested your head against the metal bars.

“Your friends hate you, don’t they?” A deep voice suddenly spoke, making you shriek in shock. You whipped around and realized that there was a boy sitting at the back corner. Annoyed that he almost scared you to death, you shot him an irritated look.

“No, they just love me so much.”

“Oh, ok.” He grinned like an innocent kid. Your eyes narrowed. Ok, so this guy is weird. “So does that mean my friends love me so much too?”

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