[Sehun] The Werewolf

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Werewolf /n/
» An imaginary person able to transform himself for a time into a wolf.

[Yayz I edited the pic myself. My brother said, "Why does he have four ears?" And I was like, "Erhh, doesn't matter. He's hawt anyweh." XD]

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

"Wolfie," you snapped your fingers to grab your puppy's attention. You brought her out the house for a while to play around, but it seems something about the trees in the nearby forest was more intersting than you. When she didn't even spare a glance, you just stood up, sighing.

"Ok then. We gotta get back, Wolfie. It's almost night."

She suddenly barked, still staring deep into the woods. Brows furrowing, you looked at it as well. Is she seeing something? Or maybe someone is in there?

Shivering, you shook your head and just headed towards Wolfie.

"Playtime's over Wolfie. We gotta go home." You were about to crouch down to grab her, but she suddenly bolted away.

"Y-yah! Wolfie come back!" You felt terror wash over you as you realized she was heading into the dark woods. Everything your mom told you when you were a kid rushed into your head.

"Never go into the woods, _____. There's danger in there. You'll only get hurt."

She never told you what was exactly in there that is dangerous, but you never dared find out by yourself. It's not like your family had a choice to move into the house just across the border into the dangerous zone. It was the only decent house they could afford, but that didn't mean you could just prance around the woods like it's disneyland.

"Wolfie?" You timidly yelled out, voice shaking. You can't see anything but trees, and the deep grey sky that only made the place a lot more eerie. You've gone too deep into the woods.

"Wolfie... Please come back..." You whimpered, starting to feel the urge to just curl into a ball and wait for a miracle to save you from this forsaken place. But of course, no other idiot would make a mistake to go here like you.

You suddenly heard a whimper, and felt this huge wave of relief as there came Wolfie, running towards you. But that relief turned to dread, as you realized she was actually running away from something else.

A huge bat-like creature was zooming through the trees, heading towards you at a dangerous speed. Its wings were enormous, and the tips gashed trees like it was sharper than knives. You didn't know where to go, and not even what to do. In the end, you just clutched Wolfie close to your chest, shutting your eyes and accepting what's about to happen next.

Crippling of leaves echoed in the air as something fell on the ground. When you opened your eyes, you gasped in horror as you saw an unbelievably huge black wolf pinning down the winged creature. It was biting off huge chunks of flesh, but the wings kept on reaching around to leave huge gashes around the torso.

Unable to watch any longer, you turned and started to run. But then Wolfie jumped off, and ran towards the 2 creatures. And it seemed she was trying to help the wolf.

"WOLFIE!!!" You screeched. This seemed to steal the bat's attention, and it pushed off the wolf with one big shove. It stood up and towered over you. Turning frantic, you quickly backpedalled, but then your ankle got caught up in something, making you lose your balance. You hit your had against a tree, a little more violent than normal. Immediately, you felt dizzy. That last image you saw was of the wolf gnawing the bat's head from behind, and blood showered everywhere.


You slowly woke up to a strange place. The bed was solid wood, the walls were just plain wood, and the roof just seemed like dried leaves piled over a huge fishing net. Based on the small beam of light peaking through the "roof," it's probably morning already. It smelled of wood everywhere, except maybe of something cooking that hopefully wasn't food, because it smelled horrible.

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