[Baekhyun] The Skater

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You sighed as you neared the school gates. The morning was filled with soft winds, warm sunshine, a clear blue sky, and cute chirping birds. You would've appreciated its beauty, but not today. Unfortunately for you, you have a lot of papers and other schoolworks due today so you're gonna have to run around a lot in campus again.

Well, if we look at the bright side, at least you'll get some exercise. Your baby fats were starting to be not so baby anyway.


You heard a screech behind you, but before you could react, a larger thing has already knocked you backwards, making you hit the asphalt in a not so elegant way. Your senses didn't even delay one second; you immediately felt the sting on your arms and hands. And to top that off, you couldn't move your left foot properly.

"What the hell," you mumbled as you rubbed your spinning head. As you looked up, this boy about your age was standing a few feet from you, holding onto his skateboard and frantically looking around. He did not seem to have an intention in helping you up.

"Goddamnit what were you doing??" You hissed in irritation as you struggled to get on your feet by yourself. Of course you stumbled because of your twisted ankle, but he still didn't seem to have the initiative to help you.

"I-it wasn't my fault! I warned you but you didn't move!"

"Yeah warned me like 0.5 second before you hit me!!"

"You were too slow!!"

Your jaw actually dropped. Sheesh, this boy is unbelievable. He may be quite cute, but his arrogance is a major turn off. Heck no, not just a turn off. It's a freakin shut down.

"Yah you asshole, I twisted my ankle because of you and you're not even saying sorry?? I have a shitload of papers to submit all over school but now I suppose I will limp around because of your stupidity, thank you very much!"

He took a step back as if afraid you'd start breathing fire all over him. His eyes were frantic, as if he was scared pantless that he got into trouble.

"W-whatever, I have nothing to do with this!" He started walking away, but you couldn't follow him to smack him across the cheek because you know, twisted ankle.

"YAH!! YOU MORON!!! You have EVERYTHING to do with this! Don't you freakin walk away from me!!!"

"Mr. Byun Baekhyun," a different voice suddenly spoke. It sounded firm, calm, and professional, and implied that it was not a person to be ignored. The boy suddenly froze and stopped walking, and slowly turned to face the principal. She was looking at him with questioning eyes, and her posture oozed confidence and authority.

"Mr. Byun Baekhyun, I see you got into trouble again." She stated with cold humor. Gosh she is so scary. "What seems to be the problem he caused, young woman?"

This time, she faced you, making you freeze as well.

"Um... He uhh... He bumped into me." You glanced at 'Baekhyun,' and saw that he looked like a stroked seal or something. He looked seriously frightened of the principal.

"And?" She prodded, glancing at your foot that you couldn't properly place on the ground.

"... and I twisted my ankle..."

She nodded once and returned her hard gaze on Baekhyun.

"Mr. Byun, in exchange for the trouble you have caused this young woman, I expect you to accompany her to the clinic." He could only gulp and nod. Something's telling you that this is not the first time the principal saw him causing trouble. Because as far as you know, the only people that sees the principal's "true colors" are the troublemakers that are always brought to her office. And her colors are not that pretty, by the way.

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