[Sehun] Stranger

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For @JungkookBts_ExoSehun !

This is a bit nostalgic and sad, but I hope you still like it!


Millions of thoughts ran through my head as I just sat there alone in the waiting room. I kept on bobbing my legs up and down hoping that it would calm me down, but the longer I waited, the more nervous I became. I could hear their faint voices inside the closed room, but I couldn't understand what they were talking about. I have to wait for my turn though, because anyway, eommonim said that I can talk to him as long as I want as soon as they're done.

After what almost felt like an hour, the door finally opened, and the Oh family came out one by one. Mr. Oh only gave me a solemn nod before heading straight to the exit, while their eldest son gave me a short hug.

"Don' worry. He's okay." That was all he said before letting go to follow his dad. Mrs. Oh cupped my cheeks and looked at me lovingly. It hurt me seeing those tears at the corners of her eyes.

"You are a very strong girl." She sighed deeply before pulling me into a hug. "I already told him a bit about you. But it's your job to tell him who you are to him. Take your time. We'll just be in the car."

I nodded in understanding. After squeezing my hands one last time, she walked away as well, leaving me alone in front of the white door. I took in a few deep breaths before finally coming in. And there he was, standing by the window as he looked at the city view that he has seen so many times but was suddenly unfamiliar to him. I thought he didn't hear me come in, and maybe I was interrupting his peace, so I decided to just go out once again. But as soon as I stepped back, he turned his head and looked directly at me.

Oh Sehun.

It has been so long since those beautiful brown eyes looked at me. It made me feel like running up to him and hug him as tight as I could, but I held myself back. Even though it has been a torturous year of just seeing him lying in bed in a half-dead state, I have to tone down myself since I'm practically a stranger to him now.

"H-hi..." I whispered so softly that I doubt he even heard me. He cautiously looked at me for a few seconds before slowly stepping forward.

"You're Joanna, right?"

I averted my gaze as I felt my face heat up. He still has that same heart-fluttering way of saying my name. And he was still as charming and handsome despite of the small scars on his right cheek.


"They said... They said you're my girlfriend..." He looked quite uncomfortable saying that. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, that's true..."

Awkward silence. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, because of how cliche our situation was, but it also hurt me so much knowing that we won't be able to easily go back to how we were before.

He cleared his throat and sat on the edge of the bed. He motioned for me to sit beside him, so I did. He took out his phone, but stared at it first as if seeing it for the first time. It was already in a new case, since the original one was already badly chipped and cracked after surviving the accident. After a soft sigh, he swiped it, and there appeared his wallpaper. It was a picture of him and I on our anniversary. He was backhugging me while looking at the camera, while I had my head tilted to kiss his cheek. We both looked so happy.

Then he clicked on the gallery, and more pictures of us appeared. He started from the oldest ones, which were from two years ago when we were still just friends. It was amazing how we could see the transition of our photos from "just friends" to "BFFs" to "Mutual Understanding," and finally to "In a Relationship with this dork."

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