[Chanyeol] Hidden

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For @midnightstroll18 who's going to leave wattpad soon.

I hope it's not too late for you to read this. :(


This shot is very, very depressing.


Our story started on that certain day. It seemed like just any other day. The sun was shining, classes were still boring, and we were just walking down the hallway during breaktime, getting much attention from girls, of course. But we didn't mind any of that, and we were even playfully pushing each other around like the mature people we were. Then at some point, I was accidentally pushed a bit harder and almost lost balance. And she... as if she was placed there by fate... she just happened to pass by at the perfect moment, and I ended up squeezing her between myself and the wall.

It should have been a very romantic moment like those in the movies, but no, it was  awkward as hell.

"Uhh... sorry." I quickly backed away and smiled apologetically, since she must have been hurt because I was quite heavy. Though, she only gave me a cold hard stare, before walking away as if nothing happened. I would have thought that she was just another "biotch," but at that brief moment, I thought I saw something else in her eyes. Emptiness... Sadness... Or something that she was hiding behind a stoic face. Since then on, I couldn't get her out of my head. At first, I tried to ignore it, but as days passed, it only grew worse. So I decided to find her.

And then, it was like fate itself was pushing me towards her. Soon enough, I bumped into her once again in the hallway. I flashed the brightest smile I could muster.

"Oh, hi! Aren't you that girl I bumped into days ago? I'm Chanyeol by the way. Sorry, but I never caught your name--"

"Don't talk to me." She said coldly before walking away once again. I was dumbstruck. To be honest, I kind of panicked. I didn't expect that it would be this hard just to know her name.  But it's not like me to give up so easily.

And so, I kept trying and trying.

Everyday, I stop her to say hello, and everyday, I get flipped off. I actually questioned myself, "why the hell am I still doing this?" Then, I think about that day when I first saw her. When I first looked at those eyes. Then I answer, "Oh yeah, because I want to know why she's so sad inside."

So one day, I came up with a very brilliant idea. I stalked her for a while, until she stopped in what supposed to be her secret spot. She disappeared under the bleachers on one side of the football field. I tried sneaking closer in the most silent way possible, and I froze when I saw her just sitting there, eyes closed and earphones plugged in. She looked so peaceful. Smiling, I carefully sat right in front of her, and stared at her sleeping form. She was really beautiful.

Her eyes suddenly opened. Before I could react, a huge punch rattled my face.


"Fucking creep." She hissed and aimed for another punch.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA WAIT!!!!" Surprisingly, she did wait. "I'm sorry for creeping into your hiding place. I'm sorry for bothering you everyday too. It's just that I really, really want to be your friend."

Thankfully, she lowered her fist. But her expression was darker than usual. "I don't need a friend."

She stood up and started to leave, but I instinctively grabbed her arm. Her eyes immediately looked like she'd break me to pieces. "Let go of me."

"You're not letting people get close to you."

"You know nothing about me," she hissed as she yanked her arm off my grip. 

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