[Lay] Maze Booth

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You groaned for the hundredth time of the day as you continued dragging your feet under you. It wasn’t even barely noon, so if you’re going to groan another hundred times in the afternoon, then that means approximately two hundred groans, depending on how frustrated you are.

“Ok great. I’m starting to talk math.” You rolled your eyes at yourself. Maybe this whole festival thing wasn’t really meant for you. This star collecting thing was harder than you expected it to be. Darn, you would really kill for some sleep right now. Deciding to find an empty room to rest in, you walked towards the direction where there were less booths. Slowly, the atmosphere started becoming more  quiet, and you sighed in satisfaction as your brain started relaxing. Then, out of nowhere, a man grabbed your shoulder and made you face a weird looking door you didn’t notice before.

“Feeling stressed? Feeling tired? Do you feel like relaxing, but the world wouldn’t let you?” you stared at the man in shock, both because of his strange accent and his strange appearance. He looked like he popped out of a cartoon or something. He even had an overly colorful hat.

“Worry no more! Here is the place where you can rest! The wonderland of your existence!”

“I can rest here?” You asked, pointing to the extra shiny brown door. The man gave an ear to ear grin and started pushing you towards it.

“Yes! Yes! Once you come in, you would never want to go out! Welcome to your wonderland, Alice.” He hissed the last part as he shut the door behind you.

“My name is not Al—“ You froze as you realized where you were. Yellow walls. Orange doors. Lots and lots of them. It was a maze. A FRICKIN MAZE.


“YAH!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!! You liar!!! You said I can rest in here!!!” You slammed your fist against the door repeatedly, but you could only hear faint laughter from the other side. You felt veins pop on your forehead as you punched the door one last time.

“Once I get out of this hellhole, I will choke the living colors out of that man.” You hissed to yourself and started entering doors. But after what seemed like forever, every room that you went through still looked the same as the first one you entered. There is no other logical explanation than the guy that pushed you here was actually insane. And he had this evil plot to make every person go here and make him like him. And it seemed to be working. This was pushing your sanity to the limit. Or maybe he was hired by your friends. IDK.



You screeched at the top of your lungs and punched a wall. Then you punched a little more times until that spot had a hole. Frowning, you slumped on the floor and glared at what you have done. Your fist was starting to hurt, but you couldn’t care less. This has been the most frustrating thing you have ever had in your life.

Suddenly, the orange door opened, and a rather good-looking man peeked in. He had brown-ish hair, and it looked soft too. But you didn’t appreciate it fully since you weren’t in the mood to fan girl right now.

“Is everything ok?”

“No. Nothing is ok.” You yelled, but instead of getting offended, he only walked closer to you. He glanced at the fist-sized hole on the wall, then shifted his gaze to your hand.

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