[Tao] Snowflake

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You shivered when you felt this really cold air sweep all over your body. You let out a harsh breath, and smoke came out of your mouth. You felt your teeth starting to rattle so you repositioned your scarf so it covered half of your face. Gawd it's starting to freeze out here. You fastened your pace so you can go back to your warm and cozy yet empty house as soon as possible. You swiftly moved past the people standing in the middle of the streets, looking up the sky as they waited for the first snow to fall. As for you, you didn't want to watch the snow anymore since it would be the first time you'll watch it alone, and being the overly dramatic person you were, you may just end up bawling your eyes out while reminiscing on the fun moments when you were still so young and happy and playing in the snow and... well you get the point.

"Whoa," you twisted your body to dodge the kids that ran past you, but as you thought you wouldn't bump into another person any longer, you hit your head on someone's chest, and came stumbling backwards. There was a flash of light, and the world seemed to turn in slow motion as you saw this expensive looking phone about to hit the ground. You quickly put your foot forward, catching it with your shoe at the last minute.

"Oh my gosh thanks!" This tall handsome guy beamed as you handed him his phone. You froze for a second as you felt your heart skip a beat. He was exceptionally handsome. Impossibly handsome.

"N-no problem." You managed to mumble as you blinked back to reality. You were about to move past him, but he suddenly grabbed your arm.

"Wait, I didn't even know your name!"

Your brows furrowed. Umm, why are names important? I just caught your phone it's not like I saved your life or something.

"Uhh, Yoo ____." You said, ignoring the question in your head. He smiled once again, and your heart went all fluttery in your chest. Gosh what is this weird feeling.

"I'm Huang ZiTao. Are you going to watch the first snow as well?"

"No... Actually I was about to head home."

"What? Why?" He pouted. You were starting to be confused about how it was possible that someone so tall and hot-looking could act all bubbly and cute.

"Well... personal reasons. I'm sure you won't be interested." You looked down at your feet, not sure if you should already go or not.

"I'm going to take a picture of the first snowflake for my mom. She won't be able to watch it with me tonight so I wanted her to see at least a picture."

You froze as you studied the happy look on his face. His mom wouldn't be here with him, but he's still happy?

"You're alone tonight too?"

"Yeap," he nodded, not taking his eyes off the sky. "How about you."

You sighed. "Yeah, kinda alone too. I don't want to watch the snow because it'll only make me miss my family. It's the first time I can't spend Christmas Eve with them.

"Really?" Tao's eyes widened. Then his bright smile returned once again. "Then you can stay and we can watch it together! At least you're not alone."

"Are you sure?" You said carefully.

"Yeah, definitely." He beamed. You returned a small smile and joined his side. As he was busy looking at the sky, you couldn't help but steal glances at this strange man. He's a really optimistic person. And you're a stranger. How could he be talking to a stranger like this? Like you're really close? It's kinda weird, but it felt like this was the kind of person you needed for this lonely night. After all, there's nothing wrong with having a companion, right?

Tao looked down for a while to fiddle with his phone. Then his eyes widened at something.

"____," he mumbled your name as he tugged on your sleeve. You looked down at the screen of his phone. There was a picture of you, from a while ago when you bumped into him. You had this cute surprised look on your face, and you just couldn't believe you were actually this photogenic. It's either you're really pretty or his phone was magical or something.

"Look here," he pointed to a small white dot on the center of your nose. "A snowflake landed on your nose!" You unconsciously touched your nose. Tao suddenly wrapped you in a tight hug.

"I captured the first snowflake! Omo! Omo this is so awesome!" He shook you left and right in utter excitement, and though you didn't fully understand why he was so hyped about it, you just went along and wrapped your arms around his waist. He pulled away for a second to look at you with these sparkly eyes, as if he was a kid seeing a unicorn for the very first time.

"Do you know what they say about a person that is able to touch the first snowflake on Christmas?"

"Umm... what?"

"She'll forever have a Merry Christmas. She'll never be alone. You're so lucky ____!" He squealed and hugged you once again. Laughing at his silliness, you just buried your face in his neck since he seemed like he wouldn't be letting go anytime soon. You felt this strange warmth in your chest, but it felt so comforting, and it made you forget about the cold night for a while.

"Um, Tao..." You mumbled. He pulled away to wait for what you'll say. "I'm just curious... Do you have this thing about hugging strangers randomly on the street?"

"No," he said nonchalantly. "Well, you're not a random stranger, right? I know your name. ____."

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he said your name. Your eyes narrowed, and your mouth hung agape as you realized it.

"Aha! You sneaky creature!" You pinched his stomach, making him laugh. "You wanted to know my name because I'm pretty, right?"

You flicked your hair in a fabulous way, making him laugh. "You wish! You saved my one and only phone, that's all!"

You faked a shocked expression and went to tickle him again. It lasted a few seconds, and you only stopped when you noticed that snow was starting to fall everywhere. You looked at the sky, feeling this nostalgia rushing through your veins. You felt Tao grab your shoulder to hold you closer.

"The luck is working. You're not alone on Christmas Eve tonight." You looked up at him as you felt this fluttering in your chest again. Then the mischievous glint returned in his eyes. "Oh, and yes, I wanted to know your name because you were pretty."

You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, so you playfully pinched his cheek to make him look away. There was this warmth on your chest again, but this time, you knew why you were feeling that.


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