[Chen] Crash

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“Thanks,” you mumbled to the vending machine as you got your cup of hot choco. The snow was already gently falling from the sky and honestly speaking, tonight seemed like the most beautiful Christmas Eve you’ve ever had. Maybe cooking something for celebration wouldn’t hurt. Sighing, you stepped out into the cold night again, and shoved your free hand deep into your pocket. You held the hot cup firmly in your other hand, letting the steam give you some warmth. You took one careful sip, and almost giggled like a little idiot at the delicious sweet taste. Mmm, maybe you should make more hot chocolates at home.

As you turned around the corner towards your street, this bicycle came rolling out of nowhere and hit you square on the hip. The choco came flying out of your hand, and you fell down the asphalt a little too violently. You heard the bicycle crashing as well.

“Omo! I’m so sorry!!! Are you alright??” You heard this man’s silky smooth voice as he tried to help you up. You fumbled to grab his hand for help since your vision was still kind of spinning from the impact. You tried to stand up, but fell back down as you felt a stinging pain on your left ankle.

“M-my ankle...” You squeaked, and the guy immediately went to check. “OW!!! OW IT HURTS!!!”

“Ah! M-mianhe! Aigoo, I think you twisted your ankle!” You wiped the forming tears from your eyes and tried to at least sit properly. You kinda froze for a few seconds as you realized that the guy was... well... cute. He looked sincerely worried, and it kind of made you feel warm inside.

“I... I’m sure it’ll go away.” You forced a smile as you tried to stand up again. He quickly went to assist you by putting his arm around your waist. The contact made you blush a little, so thankfully it was dark enough so he wouldn’t notice.

“I have to take you to a hospital. That might get worse if we don’t treat it.”

“No, really! I get sprains all the time, and they go away immediately.” You forced a laugh. Um ok, that was quite a lie. He gave you an unsure look for a few seconds, and gosh your heart went all fluttery inside because of that stare. No please cute creature stop staring or I will melt!

“But we have to make sure. I can’t just let you endure the pain when it was my fault.”

“W-wait—“ You tried to back away but ended up stumbling with only one functional foot. He secured one arm around your waist and picked up his bike. You tried to bury your face in your scarf because the extreme closeness was seriously making your heart want to explode.

“I’m really sorry. I should’ve rode more carefully. I forgot that the ground is quite wet due to the rain earlier before the snow, so the break didn’t clutch immediately.”

“It’s ok. It was an accident.” You mumbled. You didn’t really understand why you were letting him off the hook so easily. Usually you’re grumpy towards other humans, but it seems this guy’s cuteness made you put your guard down or something. Thankfully, as you walked (or limped) your way towards the nearest hospital, there was no awkward silence as Chen seemed to be a jolly person. He never ran out of things to say.

“I’m Chen by the way!” He smiled.

“I’m ____...”

“So do you live right along that street?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Ah. So do you know my friend that lives there? Byun Baekhyun?” Your brows furrowed as you tried to remember. You didn’t really know your neighbors since you spend most of your time in the house. But the name sounded really familiar though. Anyway, you shook your head.

“I understand. He could be quite annoying sometimes, so I think it’s better if you don’t know him at all.” He laughed, and you only smiled along, starting to fall in a daze. It was quite cute how the corners of his lips curve upwards whenever he smiles. His laugh sounded really cute too. You could definitely hear the “ahah hah hah” in there. I mean, not much people laugh whole-heartedly like that.

“How about you? Where do you live?”

“Me? Well, I live just a few more streets ahead, near the central park. It’s kinda noisy there so I wanted to have a few moments of silence. That’s why I visited my friend in your neighborhood.”

“It gets lonely when it’s too silent, though.” You mumbled, making him look at you. You turned your head to look at him too, surprised. You made a little eye contact, then you felt yourself blushing again, and quickly looked away. He cleared his throat.

“So that’s why you went to the park?”

“...yeah. It was quite fun.” You said lifelessly. You silently cursed at yourself. Gawd ___, can’t you be a little more brighter and cute just this once?!!!

“Oh look!” He suddenly pointed at your injured foot. You weren’t limping anymore. In fact, your foot seemed perfectly fine. “You’re right! Your sprains really do disappear quickly!”

He unhooked his arm around your waist to see if you already can stand on your own. You can.

“Wow. That was... fast.” You mumbled, feeling more disappointment than amazement. You were lying earlier about being immune to sprains but... well, it seems your time with Chen really was fated to end this soon. You forced a smile and bowed. “I really enjoyed your company. It distracted me from the pain, I think.”

“Ah, it’s nothing.” He shyly smiled, scratching his head. His brows furrowed as he checked on your ankle once again. He gently pressed on certain areas, but it really didn’t hurt anymore. You even stomped it on the floor a few times.

“Yeap, I think it’s perfectly fine now.” You beamed. Then there was uh, about 10 seconds of awkwardness as you just stood there, staring at each other, not knowing whether to separate already or not.

“Um, do you want me to escort you home?”

“Oh no no! I’ll be fine! You can go home now!” You shook your head, laughing. You turned around, but glanced over your shoulder once again. Chen was still standing there.

“Um... will you be ok?” He sounded worried again. You laughed.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Ride safely okay?”

“Ok.” He beamed and waved. You waved back before turning around once again. You bit your lip, trying not to grin like an idiot. But you failed. You were smiling to yourself on your way back, feeling all fluttery and warm inside. Chen seemed to be a really good (and cute) guy. If you can meet him again every time you sprain your ankle, then that would be one thing worth crashing for.


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