[Chen] Forever Gone Not Together

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For @kiseoplover2!

So after all the fluff, I'll make you cry again.

Good luck with your feels.


If I had to describe our relationship with one word, then I would probably use the word "Perfect." We were living in our own little house, ina peaceful little town, away from the noisy city and the harsh words of Chen's control freak of a mother. Even though we had to escape our own lives just to be happy together, I don't regret falling in love with Chen. He was my first and one true love, and he has become my world.

One day, I was woken up by someone talking faintly outside the house. As I opened my eyes, I realized that Chen wasn't by my side. Curious as to what woke him up so early on a weekend, I stood up and tiptoed to the backyard. I stopped just beside the door so Chen couldn't see me.

"Stop it. I don't want to."

He sounded angry. It has been a long time since I heard him this upset. My heart dropped at the possibility of who he was talking to.

"I told you! I won't do it and just leave us alone!!!"

A woman's voice could be faintly heard through the line, and she sounded mad too. I was right. It really was his mom.

"I won't marry a girl that I don't even love. You won't be able to separate me from Pa. She's the only one I love and that won't change no matter how--"

He got cut off by something. His expression flashed fear for a second, but he swallowed it up and hissed at the phone.

"I don't fucking care. Just leave us alone, mom."

He hung up the phone and paced around to calm himself down. I, on the other hand, hesitated if I should comfort him or not. As he entered the door, I don't really know why, but I decided on the latter.

I rubbed my eyes and forced a hoarse voice, pretending to have just woken up.

"Goodmorning babe. Why so early?"

He forced a smile and went to peck me on the cheek. "Nothing. Just had a call from work."

"Oh. Is that so?" I forced back a smile. "I guess we'll have an early breakfast, then."

I guess we were feeling the same thing. We both wanted to pretend that nothing was wrong, hoping that it will eventually go away. But deep inside, we knew that it won't. Because it has been the nightmare haunting us even before we started, and even know, we still don't know how to get rid of it. All along, we only learned how to hide from it.

But now, it found us once again.

The very next day, Chen discarded his old sim and even the phone. He bought a brand new one, saying that it was broken and he wanted a new one anyway. I just went along with it and tried to continue our lives just how we have been living it before that one call.Thankfully, it got off my head after a few days. It was like it never even happened. I could look at Chen once again, and only think of how happy we were instead of the haunting idea that he was in an arranged marriage just for a stupid business partnership.

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