[Chanyeol] Troublemakers

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Part One:

» [Chanyeol] The Prankster



All you wanted to do at the moment was bitch slap Chu Lara.

You didn't care anymore even if the principal was right in front of you. Because what the hell? It was the least you could do after all the morally degrading things she has said about you. Even the principal already seemed thoroughly pissed by her continuous ranting, because most of her precious time is being wasted on a very pointless case. And your precious time was being wasted. You could be reading tons of wattpad stories now for pete's sake.

"Miss Chu," the principal sighed. "No matter how many things you would say about Miss _______, as long as they could not be used as evidence to this case, then it would be deemes useless. We have to follow the right process. We can't just expel her just because you say so."

You secretly smirked. Thanks Mrs. P, you are my BFF.

"What?" Lara dramatically gasped. "But she was the only person in our dorm that time! She had all the motives to do that!"

"Yeah your bitchiness and pointless whining. Thanks for admitting that but if I had chocolates in my hand, I would have rather eaten them than waste them just to piss you off."

You didn't know if it was just the play of lights, but Mrs. P seemed to smile.

"If you have nothing else to say, this meeting is adjourned. I will notify you if something comes up." Mrs. P stood up, giving you a genuine smile while her eye twitched at Lara. You smiled back and was about to leave, but Lara suddenly poked you hard on the chest.

"You mean this bitch is getting away with this? This case has been going on for a week but I don't feel like she's getting punished in some way! I am the victim here! But why is everybody going easy on her?!!"

"Watch you mouth, Miss Lee. Trust me, we are investigating on your 'chocolate makeup' case, but we can't do everything in a single day. You're not the only one that got pranked around here."

"So stop bitching about it because you're not special." You could amost hear the phrase in Mrs. P's head. Once again, you smiled, and you could feel Lara glaring daggers and samurais into your head. You ignored her and finally went out of the office.

But of course, being the typical Lara, she yanked your wrist to hiss right in your face.

"You won't be able to smile for long, loser."

"Don't blame me if everybody loves me!" You yelled after her as she walked away. Chuckling, you shook her head and turned to continue your way. But you almost bumped into someone's chest.

"OH JESUS CHRIST CHANYEOL--" you tried to calm yout chest. Seriously, this guy appears out of nowhere all the time. He's almost like slenderman. Or maybe he is slenderman?

"Hi," he beamed, and it was quite weird because he looked like an overly cute grade schooler with a very deep voice. Your gaze landed on his lip cut again, and the memory flashed past your head.

That same night he sneaked into your dorm to prank Lara. That accident when you panicked and your feet got tangled up. And both of you fell, hitting each other right on the lips.

Thankfully, you could hide your lip cut with face powder, so people wouldn't notice and ask why you and Chanyeol both got lip cuts the very next day.

You slightly shook your head to get rid of the thought before you start blushing. You tapped Chanyeol on the arm and started walking.

"Sooooo how was it?"

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