[Sehun] Sleeping Booth

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You seriously couldn’t take any more steps. Even though you have worn your most comfortable sneakers for this magnificent day (note sarcasm in there), any rational human being would know that walking for hours would still somehow make the feet beg for mercy. As your brain suddenly went, “Fuck this shit, I don’t care ‘bout this no more,” your brain abandoned you and you froze in the middle of the empty hallway, just staring at the long path ahead like a complete moron. Good thing no other people were around, because they surely would’ve thought you were a white lady or some creepy apparition.

Then you felt something from your right. Something inviting. Something calling out for your name. Slowly, you turned your head towards it, and there appeared heavenly music as your eyes landed on a simple door to a classroom. No noise, no fancy signs, nothing. It was empty.

Immediately, you kicked the door open, and looked around the spacious room with sparkling eyes.

“FINALLY!!! THANK YOU GODS OF SLEEP!! I CAN NOW REST IN PEACE!!!” you screamed your heart out as you removed your torturous sneakers and threw them somewhere together with your bag. You went to a cold corner and laid down, not caring about the hard cement in any way. Curling up into a ball, you smiled contentedly and slowly closed your eyes, ready to enter your beloved dreamland. Sigh. This is life.


Your own steady breath slowly woke you up. You didn’t even have to wonder why your head felt like it just got hit by a wrecking ball. You knew you have been sleeping on the cold cement for God-knows how long, but didn’t complain because it was a good pain. A sign that you got a little piece of your heaven.

But wait. Why isn’t it cold anymore? Why is it warm ?Why does it feel like someone’s breathing on your neck?

Slowly, you turned your head, and saw a hint of rainbow at the corner of your eyes. But that was only how far as you can see, though, because you weren’t some freaky owl that can turn your head 360 degrees.

Who the hell is this creep?!!!

You tried to turn around, but realized that you couldn’t move because the person was hugging you by the waist like a teddy bear. Seriously, the breathing thing on your neck was starting to freak you out. You started fidgeting, but the grip was just too strong. WHAT THE HELL?!! Is this person really sleeping? It’s either this is a man, or a woman on steroids. You weren’t sure which one would be better.

“HOLY SHIT WHOEVER YOU ARE LET GO OF ME!!!” You started kicking, but the hug only tightened. He just groaned sexily and muttered something, then cuddled even closer. You felt his hair brush against your nape, and a shiver ran up your spine. You felt warmth creeping up your cheeks. Kicking even more violently, you tried to pry the arms away, but it didn’t even move an inch. Srsly, what is wrong with this guy?!!!


“I’m Sehun. Now go back to sleep.” He sexily said in a sexy raspy voice sending his sexy breath brushing over your neck sexily. Sehun.



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