[Kris] Merman

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Merman /n /

» a male counterpart of a mermaid, or a creature with a man's body and a fish's tail, who lives in the depths of the sea.

I'll use this picture for now chongmal mianhe ㅠ^ㅠ I'm having difficulty finding a mermaid Kris photo and I don't have time to edit as well. But maybe you can help me find one? Just PM me the link! ^^


You dragged your feet across the white sand, unable to feel anything other than the deep sorrow and pain that seemed to suffocate your very soul.

You kept your gaze unto the reflection of the full moon on the ocean. So far in your life, it was the only beautiful thing you've seen. Nothing has been alright in your life, and it won't be happening soon, which is not a surprise. You have been living a cruel and abusive life, and tonight, you have come back to your only companion to pour your heart out. It was the only way you were able to survive a few more months.

"I can't take this anymore," you cried out, hugging your bruised arms to yourself. You knelt right at the edge of the water, not even caring about the seashells digging into your knees.

"It's so painful. I can't imagine taking any more of it..." More tears flowed down your eyes, but you kept on looking at the dark sea. Deep inside, you wondered, if you kept all the tears you cried in all your life, would you have been able to fill a river?

"You're in pain..."

Your heart leapt at the familiar voice that came with the waves. His voice was in its usual deep but soft tone, and it soothed you in so many ways.

"It's too much, Kris." You cried shamelessly, letting the tears fall freely down the sand.

"______..." he whispered, and in his voice you could feel his urge to reach out and wipe away your tears. Though you have never seen him before, you could feel comfort and safety with him more than anybody else you have met.

"Why are they hurting me, Kris? What did I do to deserve all this?"

"You've done nothing, _____..."

"Then why is the world treating me like this?" Your tears have calmed down a bit, though the pain was still bearing down your heart.

"It's not the world, love... You just fell into the wrong place. But there is still a huge place out there that will welcome you with open arms."

Hugging your knees to your chest, you rested your chin on them and continued watching the calm rippling of the water.

"How about you Kris? Have you ever felt like you fell in the wrong place?"

"No, I haven't..."  There was a short pause. "But I've seen that wrong place, and someone was stuck in it."

You paused, wondering if he was pertaining to you.

"And I want to help that someone, but I can't."


"We're from different worlds."

His answer struck you straight through the chest. Slowly, you stood up as this thought crossed your mind.

"But there's a bridge between those worlds."

"No, ______. We've talked about this." His voice became firm, but you could detect a hint of desperation. As if deep inside, he wanted you to do it, but didn't want you to suffer the consequences.

"I'm sure now, Kris. I want to be part of your world." You stepped into the water, ignoring the shocking cold it sent through your legs. The waves strengthened, as if trying to push you back.

"You don't understand what you're risking."

"I understand. I'm risking the world I've grown used to, but it's also the world I've always wanted to break free from."

He didn't answer, though you stepped deeper into the water.

"Are you really willing to leave everything behind?"

You thought about how soothing the cool water felt against your bruised skin.

And it was the feeling you have been longing for your whole life. Closing your eyes, you nodded.

"Yes. I'm ready."

As you took the last step, your whole body finally submerged into the water. At that moment, the world seemed so calm... and silent... and by then you knew that you made the right choice.

You felt a hand snake around your waist, making you open your eyes. And that's when you finally saw him.


He was even more beautiful than you ever imagined. His black hair floated around his face in the gentlest way, and hints of glinting scales, the same color as his long tail, decorated the sides of his neck. Every edge and curve of his features matched perfectly well.

And those soft eyes......


He smiled, as if he has been waiting for a long time to see you this close. You wanted to smile back, but your lungs were already screaming for air.

You were about to swim back up, but Kris held you in place. Softly, he caressed your cheek, and something about his gaze made you forget about the pain in your chest. He pulled closer, and you felt his soft lips match yours.

It felt like everything was changing...

Never leaving your lips, he pulled your body closer to his, and you felt yourselves swim deeper into the water. You clutched his shoulders, starting to feel a bit faint. After what felt like minutes, he finally pulled away, smiling.

You looked deep into his blue eyes, and took in your first breath.


[A/N]: I updated quickly because I felt guilty for beinf hiatus for such a long time. Who do you want me to do next?

We still don't have requests for Lay and Chen. Just go visit the list in the "Mythicals" chapter as a guide! ^^

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