[Suho] Sudden Confession

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For @dyokkomi99 :D

This is another cute one. Teehee~


Do you know what time the students suddenly act like bloodthirsty hounds that just got out of their cage? Yeap, exactly. When the bell for end of class rings. And that is exactly what they did. They didn't even let the professor finish what she was saying about the project. In just a split second, the room was already empty, except for me and the professor. I could only give her a sorry look as I took my time fixing my things.

"Kids these days," she just sighed, then gave me a small smile before going out. "If only there are more students like you, Hyeon, teaching could actually be a fun job."

As soon as she was gone, it was my turn to heave a long sigh. Being a "disciplined student" is not easy. Sure, the teachers like me. My parents are happy because they have something to boast to our relatives and friends everytime they come over. But most of the students consider me as a "nerd," or a "teacher's pet," or even "goody two shoes." It's already very hard trying to block out all those names being thrown at me everyday, so I can't believe how I can still handle an even worse thing in my pretty little high school life.

Kim Suho.

I'll save you the trouble and just describe him to all of you.

He is a tall, fair skinned guy with dark chocolate hair and has the most horrible manners and thinks that he's the greatest person in the world. Oh, and he has a strange habit of bullying weaker people, especially me. Well, most of the time, he only targets me.

Shaking my head, I finally stood up and headed out of the door. But it was like the devil wanted to play a game for the last time of the day. Suho appeared out of nowhere and power walked towards me, making me backtrack into the room. He slammed the door shut behind him and continued charging towards me with an unusual scary serious face. Usually, he only shows a smug look, so he only comes as annoying more than scary. But this time, I actually felt scared.

"What do you want?" I managed to blurt out. He didn't answer and continued walking like a raging bull. His eyes even looked a bit red. WTF, did he smoke something? Is he on drugs? If then, please let me take a moment to write my death wish.

My back, much to my overflowing luck (note sarcasm), hit the wall, knocking out my breath for a moment. And that was only the time Suho stopped; when his body was just inches away from mine and his hands placed on the wall beside my head, trapping me. His erratic breath was fanning over my face, and I was actually surprised that his breath smelled like mint. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it impressive.

"I like you." He said out of the blue.

........ wut?

"Hyeon, I like you." He emphasized it even more. Instead, I continued staring at him as theories started forming in my head. Maybe he really is on drugs. Or maybe his friends dared him, or they had a bet. Or maybe this is another of his ways to make fun of my weakness. Like trying to shatter me mentally and emotionally, by making me believe his words then laugh at me later for being a dumbass. Or maybe--


Without any warning, he leaned down to kiss me. My eyes widened and I froze there like a rock, since it was the first time I have ever been kissed, and I never knew it felt like this. My heart sped up to an unbelievable pace that I thought it was going to explode any second. And the way Suho even cupped my cheeks and nibbled on my lips a little made it feel like my insides were melting and my face wanting to pop in extreme redness. When I felt his tongue flick out across my lower lip, that was the only time I snapped out of my daze. I pushed him off and quickly covered my lips.

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