[D.O & Xiumin] Punch (part 1)

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I wanted to thank all of you for the overwhelming votes and comments. I'm glad you're still loving this collection. I promise to make even more beautiful imagines in the future!

This one is dedicated to sleeplessfangirl.
I hope you like it!


How bad could a normal school day be? Is it when you arrive an hour late in school? Or get humiliated by a teacher in class? Or fail a major quiz? Or maybe have someone constantly annoying you wherever you go?

Or maybe all of the above?

So now, you probably can imagine already how much crap I'm going through. And that one heck of a prick, D.O, surely doesn't plan on going easy on me today. Worse, I could never guess when and how he will pop out on me this time. So stepped out of the school gates, I took a deep breath, preparing for the worst.

"Not so fast, Miss Hee Hee." That voice straight from hell echoed in my ears as I was yanked backwards by the backpack. I whipped around, immediately locking glares with D.O. Of course, his whole gang was standing behind me, all smirking with malicious intent. I really hate how he says my name in this high pitched laughing tone. One of the reasons why I want to confront my mother as to why she named me that girlish name.

"What do you want, Do Kyungsoo?" I muttered darkly, knowing that he hates being called by his real name. I don't really know why, but maybe he thinks it sounds sissy. I saw his eye slightly twitch, but he quickly covered it with a smirk as he stepped forward.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to know how you're doing."

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes. "Fuck you."

I turned around to leave, but of course, he grabbed my wrist to make me face him. I felt my blood literally boil, and it was like a red bulls eye target appeared on his forehead. I really wanted to punch him right there. I really did. But his whole gang was just behind him, and they could break me to pieces any minute. I still have a common sense, you know.

"What did you say to me?" His face looked like he was daring me to say it again. So I did.

"Fuck. You."

We had a little staring game for about a minute, and it was like he was deciding if he should murder me right there or not. Much to my surprise, he laughed as if I just said a funny joke.

"Well aren't you such a little ball of sunshine." And he proceeded to drag me towards somewhere, leaving his companions behind. We only stopped when we reached an alley where not much students were walking across. D.O pushed me against a wall, pinning both my hands on my sides.

"Let go of me." I hissed, but he just looked deep into my eyes, like was thinking of something. Taking advantage of the moment, I swung my knee to his crotch, but he was quick to close his legs. So I ended up with my thigh awkwardly trapped between his. I squirmed.

"I said let go you creep!"

"Don't ever do that again." He warned.

"Do what? Kick your marbles? Or say fuck you?" I especially emphasized that very wonderful phrase. His grip tightened so much that I thought my hands would get cut off. Never the less, I sucked up the pain and maintained a straight face.

"Don't try doing something silly. Or else..." His face inched a bit closer, eyes holding a million threats. I threw my chin up.

"Or else what?"

There was a hint of smirk on his lips as he leaned even closer right next to my ear. His steady breath sent shivers down my spine. "Or else I'll--"

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