[Kris] Colors

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To the galaxy that will always be in our hearts.

Happy Valentines!


You looked up at the setting sky as you walked back to the house. Today felt really satisfying, since you had the time to spend Valentines day with your family after not seeing them for a long time. Thankfully, Kris was understanding enough to let you do so, since he went out with his friends in the day anyway. He said that as long as the night would be just between you and him, everything is fine.

You walked up the patio but glanced at your watch first before opening the door. It's exactly 6. Is Kris already home?

"Kris?" You softly knocked on the door. You waited ten seconds. Nobody answered, so you supposed he was probably still out. You dug your bag for the door keys, expecting the door to be locked. When you twisted the knob though, it surprised you that it opened so easily. Brows furrowing, you carefully swung the door open. The sight was enough to make your heart stop.

The lights were off, but two long strings of blinking lights were laid on the floor parallel to each other. They illuminated the darkness in the most romantic way you have ever seen with your own eyes.

After setting aside your shoes, you stepped between the lights that served as a path, which you supposed led to Kris' "art studio.." Slowly but carefully, you started to walk.

As every little step brought you closer, you found out that indeed, the path was headed towards Kris' studio. You almost couldn't contain your  curiosity and excitement since you've never step foot in that room. He didn't want you to go there, maybe because he's embarassed. After all, his friends kept on criticizing him about his passion for art, so maybe he thought you'd do the same so he decided to keep his drawings to himself.

When you finally reached the room, you saw that the door was wide open, and Kris was there in the middle of the room, leaning on a huge canvass that was covered with white cloth. Immediately, you wondered what it was.

"Happy Valentines baby." He smiled that sinfully charming smile of his. Automatically, you smiled back and walked towards him. He pulled you by the waist and leaned down to give you a short, sweet kiss.

"How was your day with your friends?" You mumbled as you cuddled into his warm chest.

"Fun. But I kept on thinking about you." He leaned down again to kiss your ear.

You blushed. "Same for me."

He chuckled, and you both pulled away for a while. You looked around the room and saw that all corners of the room were filled with different drawings and artworks.

"They're all beautiful," you whispered in awe. You couldn't believe that Kris was ashamed to show these to anybody else.

"You don't have to flatter me..."

"No, really." You faced him and ran a hand through his soft hair. "You're amazing. And I think you shouldn't keep these stuck in this room forever."

He blushed, which you found adorable.

"How about this?" You asked as you touched the white cloth draped over the big canvass beside Kris.

"It's what I've been working on recently." He smiled. "And it's what I want you to see."

Gently, he tugged on one corner of the cloth and it dropped on the floor quite a bit dramatically. You immediately gasped at what you saw. It was a painted portrait of you. It was a bit of an abstract, and the colors were strikingly contrast to each other, but for some reason, every color had its own meaning.

"It's not perfect but... I can assure you I made it with the utmost love and care." Kris smiled shyly. You wrapped your arms around his torso and buried your face in his  chest.

"It's perfect, Kris."

You felt his heartbeat quicken a little, making you chuckle a little. You pulled away and lightly kissed him before turning back to the portrait. You gently ran your thumb over the dried strokes of paint. You felt Kris wrap an arm around your waist.

"Everyday, I'll add a stroke or two, then spend the next two hours judging if its perfect or not."

You laughed.

"Every stroke and every color means something to me." He murmured right next to your ear, making you slightly shiver. "And I made sure every detail is perfect, just like you."

Blushing, you turned around and gently stroked his face.

"It's beautiful."

He smiled. "Yes, because it's you."

You tiptoed and gave him another kiss. After a few seconds--or maybe minutes-- you slightly pulled away to whisper.

"Happy Valentines."

"And I love you too." He smiled back.


[A/N]: And that concludes our Valentines Theme. I hope everyone enjoyed it! I am so sorry if this took too long, but for some reason I didn't want to end this theme so soon lol. (making up excuses for laziness*cough*)

Prepare you hearts because I have an announcement for the next chapter. I love you all! ♥

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