[Xiumin] Horror Booth

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You kept on walking, not knowing where to go anymore. You wanted to see something interesting, but every signage you passed by was either too corny or too dull for your taste. As you walked through the school corridor, a bunch of screaming girls ran past you. One of them even stepped on your feet, making you cuss out loud.

“Frickin girls,” you hissed as you cradled your feet. As you were crouching, your eye noticed something black at the end of the corridor. Curious, you started walking towards it, and your eyes sparkled as you jumped up and down in excitement.

A horror house. Mwahahahaha.

“I’m here for a star,” You said brightly to the man at the door. He just blinked at you in a bored way.

“Find the unforgiving soul. He has what you want.”

“Ok!” You nodded enthusiastically and ran into the dark maze without hesitation. Immediately, bloody props started popping everywhere and you easily punched and kicked them away. You started laughing evilly.

“That star is going to be miiiine Mwahahahaha.”

You continued running through lefts and rights, but you seemed to be lost already. But you didn’t care. As long as you had dummies to punch, you’d enjoy being in here even if for an eternity. Then, a human size zombie popped towards you from the side, and just like before, you gave it a good punch to the stomach.

“OOOOOOWWW!!!!” A male voice screamed, and the zombie that you thought was just a prop, fell down the floor as he clutched his stomach. Horrified at what you have done, you crouched down to check him.

“Omo, I’m so sorry! I thought you weren’t real! Does it hurt so much?”

“Why... are you... so strong?” He coughed. You apologized over and over again, until he finally stopped coughing and sat up to lean against the wall. He sighed. “I really shouldn’t have agreed to this.”

“I’m really sorry,” you mumbled again guiltily. You could only see his face with the faint red light, and though he had a few bloodstains down his chin and neck, you could tell that he looked cute. He had especially puffy cheeks, and now that he’s pouting, he looked even more adorable!

“It’s ok, you were probably just surprised.” He forced a smile, though still rubbing his stomach.

“Actually, I wasn’t really scared... I just felt like doing a horror props massacre. So yeah, they shouldn’t have hired a human being because of violent students like me.”

He laughed at your remark.

“Uh, maybe you should avoid the way for the meantime. To avoid getting beat up further, I guess.” The boy nodded and you helped him up. The two of you went inside a small dressing room at the side, and thankfully, that was the only place that was well lit and didn’t reek of fake blood. Since your conscience was still eating you up from the inside, you decided to somehow make it up to him and decided to introduce yourself.

“I’m ______ by the way... Just in case you want to sue me. Or something.”

This made him laugh again, and only then did you appreciate how cute his smile was. You might have gotten stuck in a daze at that moment, but fortunately, he put out his hand for a handshake. “I’m Kim Xiumin. No, I’m not going to sue you.”

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