[Luhan] Confession Booth

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“Oh come on! It’s just one favor! Please do it for us just this once. Pleaaaase??” Your friends, Amber and Eunji begged you with their best puppy dog eyes. Apparently, they were supposed to be in charge of a “Confession Booth” or whatever romance-y sounding thing, and being the responsible people they were, they wanted to have some “normal fun” and escape their boring job. And they wanted you to be their pretty little substitute.

“After all the crazy things you have done to me? Hell no.” You crossed your arms while trying to contain your smirk. Seeing them beg in front of you for the first time was the best feeling ever. That’s right! Kneel before your master!

“It’s just for two hours! No more than a minute. We swear!” Eunji batted her eyelashes.


“We’ll treat you lunch!”

Food? Did you just hear free FOOD??? Ugghhh! Noooo! Don’t give in! Don’t you dare give in!!

“Ok,” the word came out on their own, and the duo squealed in delight. They gave you rib-crushing hugs. “But reduce that by an hour!”

“Ok, we’ll be back by an hour. Enjoy~!” Still squealing like little insane pigs, they ran away, leaving you in front of the entrance of the booth. *Sigh.* No matter how crazy and cruel those two could be, how can you still be this nice to them? Yeah, that’s right. Because you’re the bestest friend ever. Maybe you should apply for a saint position someday.

Anyway, just like what you expected, you heard nothing but creepy love confessions and grave hatred to the world. You tried your best to sound as interested as you can, but as the minutes passed by, that supposedly short one hour seemed to last an eternity.  Your patience was growing thin, and you wanted nothing more than getting the hell out of this uncomfortably small wooden room as soon as you can.

Another set of shy footsteps entered the small booth, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Of course they’re shy at the beginning. Then later they spill out their inner demons and slam their heads against the counter and shit. Anyway, you don’t really get to see dem faces because of the cardboard barricade starting from the table and up to the ceiling. There was only a fist-sized hole at the bottom so you could still hear their confessions. Gawd this job is so annoying. No wonder those two didn’t want to be here.

“State your name,” You mumbled, not really interested at all. You swiped your fingers across random spots on the table just to have something to do. You felt something stuck under the barricade, and being the curious cat you were, you picked it up. It was a star sticker. The duo probably left it here but welp, finders keepers.

“Um... Luhan...” a soft male voice mumbled back.

“State your confession.”

“I’m in sophomore year... I try hard to maintain high grades and be involved in extracurricular activities...” And you live in an igloo and have a pet penguin? Ok wow that is sooooo interesting. Like we’re interested in your life, Luhan guy.

“But I think... no matter what I do... It’s still impossible to make the person I like to notice me...” Ah damnit. Another one of these one-sided love problems. Rolling your eyes, you forced to sound interested as you spoke.

“And why do you say it’s impossible?”

“She’s in higher year and she’s really pretty. She’s so confident and she seems to know everything. She’s so... perfect. And I can never be good enough to deserve her.”

“What year is she in?” For a teeny tiny bit, you actually became curious. Perfect? Well, you knew a few very pretty girls in the junior and senior years. And what if this guy’s actually talking about either Amber or Eunji? They will surely spazz for weeks.

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