[Sehun] Be Mine?

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Part One:

» [Sehun] Bubble Tea


~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~

You were already walking with big strides as you rushed to get to the Bubble Tea shop in the city. It's almost 3 p.m, and Sehun will be so mad if you're late again. Like so freaking mad.

But what the hell? It's a freaking Saturday! By now, he should know that you prefer sleeping in the house all day on weekends than going out into a very crowded city in a very sunny afternoon. But obviously, you couldn't refuse because he'll surely barge into your house again to drag you out with his own hands. That guy could be terrifying at times. And now, he even asked you to "dress nicely." Why? Is it his birthday? Doesn't he know how hard it is for you to hunt for a dress in the deepest depths of your closet?

"You're late." He said with that ol' grumpy face again as soon as you came. You glared and tried not to choke him to death here. There are a lot of witnesses. Not here. Maybe later.

"It's exactly 3, pabo. I'm just on time."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, and you scoffed. Sometimes, you couldn't help but wonder how the hell you managed to live through 3 months of hanging out with this sassy boy. From that Christmas Eve, which probably could be considered day one of you, Amber, and Sehun's BFFship, it was already obvious that you and Sehun wouldn't go along smoothly. It's irritating, but for some reason, you liked it. It seemed like your own unique way of showing "care" towards each other.



"Why did you ask me to dress nicely? Is it your birthday?" You shuffled beside him as you got in line.

"No," He wasn't even looking at you and was focused on the delicious bubble teas pictured on the screens above.

"Then why the hell do I have to dress like this?" You timidly glanced at the few boys that kept on looking at your legs. Dammit, you should have worn a longer dress. But basically, this was the only dress you could find in the house. "It feels so.... uncomfortable."

Sehun finally glanced down at you, and noticed the frown on your face. He looked at the boys staring at you as well. Then he suddenly wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you right  against his side.

"Don't worry. You look fine."

That made you blush. It was one of the rare moments Sehun actually compliments you. Even if he does it with his annoying poker face, it's still like the words creep down into your skin and into your heart., 

"Two choco bubble teas please." Sehun said over the counter. He didn't even ask what you wanted, but it was what you had in mind anyway. At least he knows your favorite. "_______, find us a table."

"Fine," you grumbled. What a sass. Ordering you around and crap. Sighing heavily, you took the table for two at a far corner, away from the boys that kept checking you out. You looked at Sehun who was still at the corner, and he was whispering something to the girl who got your order. She was smiling and nodding. Then he wrote something on a small pink paper and handed it to her. You rolled your eyes. So he shooed you away so he can flirt with her privately. Douche.

After an eternity, he finally walked to your seat and sat across you. He still had his pokerface on, but his eyes were happily sparkling. You scoffed and crossed your arms.

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