[Kris] Handcuff Booth

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Humming happily, you continued walking around as you tried to search for another booth. So far, your day was going fine. Well, this year might not be so bad after all. As long as you don't cross paths with your insane friends, everything will be alright.

Loud screams suddenly startled you. As you looked to your left, you realized that you were right beside the school's football court. Tons of people were surrounding it and were obviously enjoying some kind of show in there. Curious, you squeezed through the thick crowd. As you reached the front, you saw a small stand with a huge "HANDCUFF BOOTH" sign at the middle, decorated with pink lights, pink balloons, pink hearts, and other pink things you could ever imagine. Some couples were walking around, handcuffed, and you immediately felt disgusted. Nuh-uh. Never in your life would you let yourself be handcuffed, even though it would be for romantic purposes. (That sounded kinda weird.)

So before some crazy friend of yours could see you, since surely they would be lurking around places like this, you turned around to leave. But as soon as you separated from the crowd, a man with an ear-in microphone while holding a clipboard approached you.

"Excuse me miss, may I ask your name?"

"Um, _______?" You stated your name as a question. Why would this dude randomly ask a stranger her name? Then he slightly turned around to talk into the microphone, but you still heard him because he was basically just a foot away from you.

"I found her. I'll go bring her there."

"What?" You asked, but he suddenly put a hand on you back as he ushered you towards somewhere. "Bring me where? YAH!! I'm asking you! Answer me!"

You halted and stomped your feet. He sighed exasperatedly as if he had all the problems in the world. "Look, miss, your friends set you up with someone in the handcuff booth. Don't worry, it would just be for a few minutes. I'm just trying to do my job so please cooperate."

"HANDCUFF?!!!" You screeched, making the people around you stare. But you couldn't care less. These precious wrists of yours would never be handcuffed. Over your dead body. "Aw hell no. This must be a mistake. You got the wrong person."

The dude rubbed his forehead and sighed once again. "This is not a mistake. Your friends even provided a picture of yours." He held up a picture and indeed, it was you, smiling brightly in a selca. What the hell?! Were they really this prepared to ruin you life again?! "We've been searching for an hour for you. This job is difficult, alright? Just get mad later in front of your friends. Hey guys, some help here please." He called out to two bulky men behind you, and they immediately grabbed your arms, giving you no chance to escape. You continued screaming and fidgeting as they brought you to the booth.

"Here, in exchange for troubling you, I'll give you a star, ok? I don't do this often, so don't be so happy." The dude handed you a star sticker, and left before you could even say thanks. Then, the other man in charge there immediately secured a handcuff onto your left wrist, leaving you dumbstruck. Oh no they didn't. You're surely going to pour acid all over your frickinly insane friends now.

You were pulled back to your proper mind again when loud screams erupted from girls around the field. You followed the direction they were looking at, and saw a blonde guy. A tall one. He was being guided by the same man that brought you into this, and as you realized that he was walking towards your spot, you started to wonder if he really was human. He was the most perfect creature you have ever seen.

The man in charge grabbed the other cuff of the one attached to you, and secured it to the handsome blonde guy. The screams halted, and somehow, you felt like thousand eyes were shooting laser beams through your head. Your insane friends set you up with this god-like human. Then he started walking away from the field as if there was no other person attached to him. Still in a daze, you looked up at the man and took in all his perfect features in awe. Who exactly is this guy? You have never seen him around the school ever before.

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