• •

It's been a few hours since you began patrolling. Nearing noon, you felt it was time for a lunch break.

You swing towards Midtown East and head to Rhee's Pizzeria, where you frequently go to.

You saved the owner's family from an apartment fire two years ago back in Jackson Heights. They moved into the city later that year and opened a new location.

You land on the sidewalk away from any walking pedestrians, who obviously look in awe at the city's hero who stand near them.

You: Good morning, don't mind me.

You walk into the pizzeria, and immediately see the owner, Glenn, at the counter with a few employees behind him working.

Glenn: Spider-Man! It's great to see you again.

You: You know how much I love the pies here, Mr. Rhee.

Glenn: The usual?

You: The usual.

Glenn turns back, and tells the order to one of his employees. They start preparing the food.

You: How's the wife and kid?

Glenn: Maggie's doing great. Same with Hershel. In about a year or two we're gonna have to find preschools for him.

You: That's great to hear, it's never too early to enter the path of education.

Glenn: And you? Everything good in your...personal life?

Glenn didn't know your secret identity, but he did assume that you were a young college student since you had all the mannerisms of one.

You: Everything's fine so far.

As the two of you were speaking, you look up at the television and see a breaking news report: A bank robbery at the First Republic Bank a few blocks west.  Glenn notices the report too.

You: Duty calls.

Glenn: We'll keep the pizza hot for when you get back.

You give a nod, and sprint out of the pizzeria.


You swing away.

• •

You make it to the scene, and stop by the police blockade. You see Lieutenant Shane Walsh there.

Out of everybody in the New York City police force, Shane Walsh seemed to dislike you the most. You didn't know if he actually hated you or just was messing around.

Lieutenant Walsh: What the hell are you doing here, Spider-Man?

You: Good morning to you too, Lieutenant. I see you have a situation on you hands.

Lieutenant Walsh sighs.

Lieutenant Walsh: We got the call from the silent alarm inside, but nobody has gotten out and we haven't sent anybody in yet.

You: Are there hostages?

Lieutenant Walsh: Thermals show there is, and it seems that there's only one suspect.

A police officer nearby runs over to Lieutenant Walsh.

Officer: We lost sight of the suspect inside.

Lieutenant Walsh: What the hell do you mean?

Officer: His heat signature up and went. We don't know he is.

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard from the direction of the bank. You look up, and see a winged figure fly out of the window.

A/N: Redesign is by Green-Mamba on DeviantArt

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A/N: Redesign is by Green-Mamba on DeviantArt.

Officer: What the hell is that?!

The winged figure soars away from the scene. You don't hesitate, and swing away to pursue it.


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