Kirstie acted instantly. "Kev, his water just broke."

"I'm about fifteen minutes away cause of traffic. Kirst, I know its gonna be weird, but I need you need to check his dilation."

"How do I do that?! He doesn't have a vagina!"

"It's gonna be just the same as if he did."

"You don't mean..." She gulped. She loved Mitch, but she didn't want to get that personal with him.

"What about Alex?" Kevin offered, he knew shed be uncomfortable, but someone has to do it.

Alex nodded. "I can do it."

"Okay, all you need to do is estimate the distance between your pointer and middle finger."

Alex did exactly that. "Uh, not very far. Like, maybe four?"

"Oh, lovely." Kevin sighed. "Its gonna be a long night."

Avi was curled up into a ball in Scott sides. He was so uncomfortable when the pain wasn't there, and when it was, he wanted to die.

Kevin was about to take the exit he needed when he was stopped by a road worker. "I need to get through, please." Kevin explained.

"Sir, I'm sorry-"

"Please! I really need to get through. My house is literally down the road. Please."

The worker looked torn. Kevin just rolled his eyes. He turned around and looked at Scott. "You're gonna have to run."

Scott nodded and got out and booked it.

"How you doing, Av?" Kevin asked, putting a hand on his best friends knee.

"Fuck off. I'm so mad at Scott right now."

Kevin chuckled and turned around. Having scott run was faster than the alternate route they would have to take. Hell get the before they do, especially since Scott's pretty fast.

Kirstie and Alex had Mitch on the table completely naked except for the blanket draped across his lower half.

"Where's Scott?" He whimpered.

Kirstie had a tight grip on his hand to help ground him. She brought that hand up and kissed it. "He'll be here. You know he'd never miss the birth of his son. He didn't miss the birth of Addalin, he's not gonna miss Jordan's."

She felt the grip he had on her hand tighten as he began to squirm.

"Well, both of these asshats need to get here quickly. I'm getting mad." He said as a contraction hit him hard. "Ahhh!" He yelled.

"Not even born yet and you calling your son a little asshat." She chuckled.

"Well, if he's anything like his father-ahh!"

Kirstie turned to Alex. "Can you boil some water?"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. I see it all the time in movies, you boil some water to like, clean the baby with, or whatever. Just do it!"

"Okay, okay. Fine. Jeez." He left the room.

"I swear to God, if that blond fucking dickhead doesn't come in the door in the next five minutes, I'm starting some shit." Mitch said through gritted teeth. Then he cried out and his head dropped against the pillow.

Kirstie pulled out her phone and called Kevin again.

"What's up?" He answered.

"Where. Is. Scott?" She growled. She was getting frustrated, mostly because she didn't know what to do. "And even more so, where are you?"

"Scott should be there any minute. I told him to run. He's very fast so he should be there soon. Avi and I had to take an alternate route because of the rain and then shutting down the road that lead to the house. We'll be there in like, twenty minutes, maybe less."

Avi screamed as Kevin finished speaking. He was curled up in the backseat, on his aide as the pain was getting more and more intense as it slowly traveled.

"How ya doing, Av?" Kevin asked.

"Fuck off!" He yelled as more pain came.

Kirstie looked over the moment she heard the high pitch scream come from her friend.

"He's ready. He's ready. He's ready." Mitch chanted as he felt the baby start shifting. He fell back against the bed and relaxed as long as he could.

"Where is Scott?" He growled at Kirstie, the only thing illuminating her face was the light from her phones flashlight.

"MITCH!" Someone yelled.

Mitch sighed in relief as tears streamed down his face. He would recognize that voice even if he was dead.

He looked and saw a dripping wet Scott surging forward and giving him a deep kiss. "You've got this." He said, looking his mate in the eyes.

"Told you he wouldn't miss it." Kirstie smirked, then went back to her phone. "Okay, Scott's here."

"Great." Kevin said. "Now, contractions have gotten worse, and Id assume the baby is pretty close to being ready, am I correct?"

"Yeah, Mitch kept repeating "he's ready"."

"I need someone to check him again."

"Alex!" Kirstie called. She would've asked Scott, but it looked like he and Mitch were having a moment, until a contraction hit him.

Alex rushed in and looked at Kirstie.

"I need you to check him again." She instructed, frantically looking around.

Alex did as he was told. But something washed over him. His eyes rolled back and his knees gave out and he fell to the ground.

"Oh, for fucks sake." Kirstie grumbled. "You are of no help, whatsoever." She grabbed Alex and dragged him to the side and got between Mitch's legs. Not the time to be weird, Kirstie. She thought.

She steeled herself and checked Mitch's dilation. "He's getting there Kev. I'd say...maybe six?" She guessed.

"Okay, so he's not quite ready. Jordan was just shifting into position. You'll feel that as you get closer and closer."

Mitch face contorted with pain. "I want him out, Kevin." He snarled angrily.

"You're almost there." Scott whispered in Mitch's ear. "Just think, once this is done, we're gonna have a beautiful baby boy."

Mitch cried as more pain came onto him. He was so tired of being in pain. It wasn't this bad with Addalin. Hers was quick and simple and easy. This was talking literally forever, wasn't simple in the slightest, and most definitely was not easy.

It was now, the Mitch realized just how stubborn this child would be as it grew up.

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