Back Stage Pass

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Sora was already singing by the time they arrived backstage. The lighting management was busy orchestrating the movement of light fixtures and panels. Meanwhile the sound pros were actively working on the acoustics in the stadium. There were several knobs on a long paneled table accompanied by a series of levers. At least half of them were glowing, constantly being flicked up and down by the people muttering over them. They hardly paid Lappland, Texas and the others any mind as the Penguin Logistics girls passed. One confused stare was all she got from a guy carrying a tray of steaming coffee cups. He looked to be an intern of sorts with his lanyard eskew and glasses slipping off the bridge of his nose. She attempted a wave at him, but the guy was already turning in another direction.

"So you said we're doing security here. What exactly does that entail?" Lappland asked. The sound of music was so loud it practically made the ground vibrate. The hunter in her felt off center, used to detecting prey through such feelings when she was deep in the woods.

The city life sure is different. I wonder if I'll ever get used to it.

"Basically all we do is a perimeter check and then take posts around the stage. Normally Sora's personal security team is more than enough, so we won't have to participate long before we can just relax and watch." Exusiai explained.

"Yes. And knowing Sora she'll try to get us to rush," Croissant said with a chuckle. "So a certain someone can watch to her heart's content." The side eye she gave Texas was so obvious it might as well have been a slap to the face, but no matter how observant the dark haired woman was, Texas remained oblivious as ever in terms of affection. Ah, I still remember when we kissed for the first time. How many hints had she given Texas before deciding to go with the straightforward approach? Probably too many, but she would do it all over again if it got her the same results.

But things are different now, and I'm not even sure if she'll let us start all over. But, Lappland reminded herself, Texas had given her a chance. And that had to mean something.

"Huh. Well, she always does love a captivated audience. So let's get to work." Was all Texas said in reply. Some things never change, do they Texas?

Exusiai and Sora shared a glance, a silent conversation passing between them. Croissant reached out and tapped the wall. Texas watched the movement with narrowed eyes, nodding.

"I'll go with Texas, and Croissant can go with Lappland." Exusiai was saying.

Lappland frowned. That wouldn't do at all. This was her chance to spend more time with Texas. She didn't plan on it getting derailed by an angel of all people. "Why can't I go with Texas?"

"Because you'll get distracted." Croissant murmured.

"No I won't." Lappland argued.

Texas raised an unimpressed eyebrow her direction. Her arms were crossed, fingers digging into her arms. "Can you seriously say you'll do your job the entire time if I'm right there with you? You're a lot of things Lappland, but capable of self-restraint is not one of them."

And what could she say in response? Texas was right for the most part. And yet . . .

"But I could. You never know. I used to be—"

"We're not talking about how we used to be. We're talking about how you are now." Texas murmured. Exusiai and Croissant had taken a step back, watching the conversation play out like two spectators to a play. Lappland got a strange sense of deja vu in that moment. An argument on a front porch. The air was cold but her heart was even more brittle. There was a lot to regret about her past actions. Back when she had let the insatiable need for bloodshed control who she was. Hearts had been broken; a life had been lost.

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