On the Road Again

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Going back to Headquarters wasn't out of the norm for them, the regular occurrence practically apart of their weekly schedule. Exusiai packed up the same way she always did. Shirts and shorts and skirts and jackets were stuffed haphazardly in the suitcase that would barely zip shut once it was crammed with all she planned to pack. Sitting on the mound of stuff while yanking the zipper was tradition at this point, the bite of metal stinging her straining fingers slightly as she finally zipped the suitcase shut. The wheels attached groaned in protest as the pink case was set upright. Latched to the handle was a hat she could never wear but still kept. Texas had won it for her at the fair they went to together two years ago. She appreciated the sentiment, even if she literally could not wear it without a hangover inducing headache.

"Croissant, you ready?"

"No, not yet. Another minute ought to do it."

Exusiai hummed a tune under her breath. She didn't remember where she had heard it from, though if she had to guess it was probably from one of Emperor's soundtracks. It would be good to see the boss again, especially for Texas. All this stuff about Lappland has her freaking out for sure. For whatever reason Emperor seemed to know what to say in every situation, at least, in her opinion anyways. The penguin had certainly been helpful whenever she needed comfort over the absence of a certain messenger. A certain messenger who STILL hadn't come home.

"You better not be packing all your weapons again. There's no point Croissant."

"Says the angel who wants eight more guns." Croissant countered back.

Exusiai snickered. "I don't want them now, not when I've already got them!" She hollered back down the hall where she knew Croissant's door was cracked open. Her opinions on the Doctor had improved greatly since receiving the monumental gift of all the guns she could possibly want. Now she just wanted to find a way to get the light over her head to shut off for a second. Exusiai had always wondered what it would be like to be in complete darkness. In her entire life she was in some form of light, the rays from the sun or the beam over her head keeping her company. A part of her didn't mind this, but she knew it could be irksome for those who weren't Sanktas.

"Oh! No fair! When's the Doctor going to give me upgrades?" There was a whine in Croissant's voice that made her giggle. She put a hand over her mouth to muffle the noise, using the other to drag her packed up suitcase behind her. Those fore mentioned guns were already packed up in the van . . . aside from her favorite of course. The first gun she had ever received was strapped to her back, nestled between glowing shard-like wings.

"I don't know. I guess you could ask?"

From what she heard, Ptilopsis had been given upgrades recently too. It was strange to think of how the upgrade process worked and moreover how the Doctor went about picking who to upgrade. And why does Amiya keep calling it E2? What does that mean? She assumed it had to do with the new promotion, another nice touch though somewhat unnecessary. Exusiai just wanted to party and have apple pie with friends, what more could she possibly need?

"Ugh! No! Yer asking me to do the impossible." Croissant moaned. Bed springs creaked abruptly afterwards. She could picture the defender flopping on the bed, right next to her untouched hammer. It was the only weapon Croissant kept on her at all times. "Never know when a hammer might come in handy." She remembered Croissant saying at one point.

"No it's not. Just ask." She repeated again. Why elaborate when there was no need?

"Easy for ya to say, you've known Doctor Y/N for months!" Croissant exclaimed.

"Not my fault you were recruited later," Exusiai said with a shrug. "That's the way the pie crumbles."

"Isn't it supposed to be cookie?"

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