Coming Home

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The sun peaked through the gray clouds, bringing forth the warm rays softly heating the small group up. Trees parted to reveal the edging cliffs. Sticking out the same way a stick would out of a marshy swamp, these cliffs were covered in the green of grass instead of wet fronds, though water in the form of dew drops clung to them all the same. Texas found herself humming with the quiet tune the wind offered, tracking the rightward movement of the puffy clouds in the sky. It was just after breakfast. A day of possibilities lay ahead.

And that's not all.

Because right over the cliffs she knew what awaited next. There would be the smallest cropping of trees, the river extending further as it cut through anything, an old road used by few smart enough to find it. But most importantly of all, beyond those things it would be there.


She had not been back since the day she left over five years ago now. No matter the begging and prompting from Houston or the Council, no matter the "We miss you"s from her friends, not even the swell of homesickness she felt early on had made her come back. There was so many memories in this place. Most of them happy. Some of them sad. And then there was—

"We must almost be there right?" Exusiai asked her. For once Lappland was not being the constant shadow at her side —her girlfriend explaining the perfect process of cooking a squirrel to a slightly intrigued Croissant, a concerned Bison, and a confused Sora— leaving her new but old partner in her sole company again. It was nice to have a second alone with Exusiai.

There is so much to talk about. Too much really.

"Yep. We should be able to see it right over the cliff side."

No. There totally was no irrational part of her that worried the Pack land would not be waiting on the other side as it always was. That her people had gotten tired of waiting and up and left. No such concern plagued the strangest of her nightmares. Texas stuffed her hands in her pockets, fishing out the pocky box she left there for such an occasion. The red box was a friend whenever she was troubled. By far it was better than the cigarettes she had the nasty habit of smoking back then.

"Really? That's great news!" Exusiai exclaimed in her usual glee. But what kind of friend would Texas be if she didn't detect the slight apprehension in that tone, the tiny downturn at one corner of the Sankta's lips.

"Are you worried about them?" She asked, deciding to be blunt.

Exusiai took a slight step toward the cliffs, her amber gaze zoning in on the closest one. For both of their sakes she hoped Exusiai would not try to jump off of it. Those jumps from the skyscrapers were worrisome enough, even if she knew there were landing pads waiting at the bottom. The trees directly below were not meant to be the same cushiony landing spot.

"Wha? I don't know what you're on about. Maybe the squirrel's got your brain slowing?" She suggested, that all too innocent smile seeming forced.

Texas ignored the joke, taking Exusiai's hand in hers. Amber eyes widened a fraction as they stared at their joined hands. Texas let her fingers thread with Exusiai's, unsurprised by the slight sweat build up there. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, especially with me. I was never for your relationship to begin with, and made my opinion pretty clear on it straight away. But, that being said, know you can talk to me about it if you choose to. And if not me, I'm sure anyone here would be willing to lend an ear."

She watched Exusiai's face tint pink. It was brighter than her hair, natural for her skin tone. If she thought about it hard enough, Lappland was known to blush in a similar sense from such close proximity. So Texas released her friend's hand after one more squeeze. Only when she began to walk away did Exusiai respond. Her voice was quiet, barely carried by the wind. Texas heard it regardless.

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Where stories live. Discover now