He continues to speak.

Badger: We will be placing our Z-17 explosives around this room. We have one demand: For Spider-Man to be here before the 8 o'clock news. He has one hour, or else everybody here dies.

Your eyes go wide. You were already here, but not as Spider-Man. You couldn't really do anything.

Badger signs off, and the three of them start watching the hostages.


It's been over 45 minutes, and you still haven't had a chance to do anything. Pterdacts was watching you and the other hostages closely.

Badger: In exactly 13 minutes, we'll see if your hero cares enough about his citizens. Everybody, put your heads down, close your eyes, and prepare for what's coming.

Everybody obliges, except you and Clementine. Both of you don't close your eyes.

You notice the Pterdacts squad at the news desk discussing something.

You start whispering to Clementine.

You: This is my chance. I'll be back quick.

Clementine: Go get em, tiger.

You smile, and quickly leap onto the ceiling. You crawl towards the hole, and leap out.

In what seemed to be only mere minutes, you change into your Spider-Man suit and somersault back inside the newsroom.

You: Did somebody call for the spectacular Spider-Man?

Clementine grinned at your remark.

You look around, and realize the Pterdacts squad was gone.

You: The hell?

Mitch: They flew out just a minute ago!

You nod, then run over to the door and kick it open.

You: Everybody out!

The hostages start running out and down the stairs. Clementine hugs you.

You: I'll meet up with you later. I have to deal with the bombs.

She places her hand on your masked face.

Clementine: You come back to me, alright?

You hold her hand and give a nod, then she runs out too.

You start looking around, and notice the bombs placed around the room. You swiftly swing around the large newsroom and disable each bomb. Then your spider-sense goes off, and you see another bomb in the ceiling. That bomb only had 5 seconds left.

You quickly shoot a web at it and throw it outside through the hold in the wall. It blows up, shattering the nearby windows.

You've dealt with the bombs. Now, where did the Pterdacts squad go?

You start to realize that the bombs were a set up and that they wanted you there for a reason. They wanted you out of their way while they went back to the office building from yesterday to get the gems.


You swing out of the newsroom.


Badger and Max are inside the office scanning the wall for the safe containing the gems. Lonnie is outside keeping watch.

Max: I got it.

Max uses a tool to cut open a hole into the wall, and cracks open the safe. Badger reaches in and grabs a gem.

Badger: Beautiful. Joan will love this.

He speaks into his radio.

Badger: Come in, Lonnie. We got the gems.

He didn't respond.

Badger: Lonnie? Lonnie?

Your voice then comes through from the other end.

You: You've reached the voicemail of Lonnie....uh....insert-last-name-here....he can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message.

You then place the radio back on Lonnie, who you webbed up on the side of the skyscraper.

A/N: There's a track at the top of this chapter called "Later". This is what I imagine playing starting at this point.

Badger scowls at the radio, and tosses it aside. He looks at Max.

Badger: Go deal with him!

Max starts jetpacking towards the hole. But just like last time, you swing in and kick him towards the wall. He gets knocked unconscious.

You land on your feet and face Badger.

You: Gems, huh? Picking out an anniversary gift?

Badger immediately shoots five rounds at you. You dodge each one of them.

You: Wow. Tough crowd.

Badger: Argh!

Badger yells and flies towards you. He grabs you and the both of you start flying around the city.

You hold onto his jetpack as he starts swerving around to try to get you off. You turn him around and punch him repeatedly in the face. Badger makes a hard left and you almost lose your grip.

You see an electronic billboard ahead of you.

You: This is my stop! Hope you enjoy flying solo!

You punch into his jetpack, and it starts sputtering. You let go of him.

Badger yells as he starts flying towards the billboard. He crashes into and through it, landing unconscious onto the rooftop behind the billboard.

Pterdacts has been dealt with.


Clementine is outside the news station. Police and firemen have begun going in and out of the building. She starts looking around, then she spots you swinging down the building across the street and into an alley.

She runs to the alley.

At first, she sees nobody. But then you drop down behind her, still in your Spider-Man suit.

You: Boo.

She gets startled, and punches you on the shoulder.

You: Um, ow.

Clementine: You know better than to scare me like that.

You chuckle.

You: I'll take note of that.

Clementine: I assume you dealt with them?

You: Flying cat burglars are webbed up and ready for arresting, m'lady.

She laughs, and then gets close to you. She pulls up your mask and gives you a kiss.

You: Hm. Kinky.

Clementine: Shut up. Let's go home.

You smile, and grab onto her.


You start swinging away.

Clementine: So....where'd you leave your clothes?

You remember that you left it on the roof of the news station. You'll just go pick it up tomorrow.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now