W.O.O Queen x pre-teen reader Chap. 7; The Great and powerful Wizard of Oz

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*Author's note*

Next chapter is all ready to go for you guys. Now I apologize for the shortness of this chapter, I promise the next chapter will be longer. So yeah I don't really have anything else to say except just enjoy :)


"Go away?" we all said to each other sadly.

"Looks—like we came a long way for nothing." Scarecrow said in a sad tone. My heart began to break and tears formed in my eyes.

"And I was so happy." I choked out as I set myself down on the bottom step. "I thought I was on my way home!" I wept. The guys surrounded me with Scarecrow to my left, Tinman to my right and Lion behind me.

"Oh don't cry (Y/n). We'll get you to see the Wizard somehow." Tinman comforted me as Scarecrow took my handkerchief from my basket and dried my eyes.

"We sure will." I took the handkerchief from Scarecrow and dabbed my eyes as I wept.

"Auntie Em was so good to me. And I-I took her for granted. R-running away and—and hurting her fe-feelings." Scarecrow rubbed my back comfortingly, while Tinman rubbed my arm up and down softly. "I was told before I got here that she was sick. She-she maybe dying. And-and it's all my fa-fault!" I felt Lion nuzzle the back of my right shoulder comfortingly. His head soon rested on top of it allowing me to cry into his mane. "I'll never forgive myself if she dies.....never. Never n-never!" I cried as I buried my face into his mane.

Lion gently purred lovingly while Tinman rubbed my back and Scarecrow took hold of my hand giving it comforting pats and squeezes. It was then we heard crying from behind us. A loud, sniffling sorrow-filled cry.

When we turned around there was the guard looking out of a small square door that stood a quarter up the door. Tears were pouring down his face at a frantic pace and he cried out.

"Oh please don't cry anymore! I'll get you into the Wizard somehow! Come on! I had an Aunt Em myself once!" he then closed the door still sobbing.

We all looked at each other happily that's when Lion shifted back to his human/hybrid self and both he and Scarecrow helped me up as the large doors now began to open to reveal a long and dark hallway. The green archways giving it an eerie sense, but the four of us stood side by side as we slowly walked ahead.

We got maybe halfway down the hallway when Lion spoke up suddenly.

"Wait a minute guys. I was just thinking—maybe the Wizard wouldn't want to see me. I-I better just wait outside." He went to walk away but Scarecrow and I stopped him.

"What's the matter?" asked Scarecrow.

"Oh he's just scared again." Tinman said slightly shaking out of fear. At this point we were all scared. With this dark hallway and not knowing what the Wizard even looks like, this is a pretty scary situation.

"But Lion don't you know that the Wizard is going to give you some courage?"

"But—but what if I can't speak when I see him?" he asked me worriedly.

"Then we'll ask him for you."

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no I'll just wait outside." He tried to sneak away again. Scarecrow and I stopped him again and I pleaded to him.

"Why? Why?"

"Because I'm—still scared to talk to him!" I patted his hand comfortingly and we continued onward. We only got in a few steps till Lion suddenly yelped in fear and jumped.

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