*Request for GardenLodgeFam* Queen

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*Author's note*

Hey all well this request definately got away from me but I've had it done for a couple of days but then I got lost with some other writing but here I've got two special fics in store because for those that may not have known today is our beloved space poodle animal activist's birthday. Happy Birthday Brian May and I hope you have had a wonderful day, from all of us to you, hope you had a grand birthday :)

Okay so warnings are basically the same with swearing and of course the SOB Prenter UGHHH. Oh and here the age range is 16 yrs old. Kinda screwed around with the ending portion but I hope that's alright with the requestor. Kinda went on a different route after watching some ASMR vids. Enjoy my lovelies :)

Time for us to take care of you

Queen x teen reader


I was going through some files trying to get everything that Paul told me to organize properly and have ready for Mr. Reid while they all went over to meet with Ray Foster, the record producer for the band. God even though he's my 'boss' I wish that he would do his own work instead of handing it down to me, especially when I hear Mr. Reid telling him to do this certain task but the second he goes away, he just places the work right on my desk just before I would clock out sometimes.

I paused my work and rubbed my face as I groaned tiredly before placing my chin on top of my hands as my elbows were leaned up against my desk. Suddenly I felt hands cover my eyes and I let out a small squeak but before I could fight back, a voice said in my ear.

"No, no, no darling no peeking you cheeky thing."

"Freddie what are you doing?"

"You ask so many questions darling." I waited for a moment before saying,

"Can I look now?"

"Hold on, not yet."

"Now can I look?"

"Ever the impatient teenager, thinks work is better than being spoiled. Especially by us, wouldn't you agree Deacy?" I heard Roger's voice say.

"Yes indeed. She works much too hard."

"Alright Fred uncover her eyes, it's ready." Brian's voice spoke up and the second Freddie's hands uncovered my eyes, I saw before me a tray of food and a cup of my favorite flavor of tea.

"Aww you guys." I said as I twirled around in my chair and turned to face them.

"You just work so hard love and we know you probably didn't have time for lunch. So after the meeting with Foster, we slipped past Reid and Prenter and got you your favorite." Brian explained.

"Ohhh you guys do too much for me. I should be doing stuff like this for you."

"You do too much of that already. Time we did something for you for a change. Get your mind off of work for once." Roger said as he playfully ruffled my hair. I shoved his hand away from my head and tried to readjust my hair before I reached for the fried rice first and asked them.

"So, how did the meeting go?" I know I shouldn't be asking questions like these but throughout these past 8 months since I got this second job to get some extra money for—personal reasons (please don't ask), the boys of Queen had really become like a second family to me.

Even though they're bigshot rockstars who most people would believe wouldn't care much about people who help them behind the scenes, the lads had been nothing but supportive of me. As a young 15 year old assistant, this whole lifestyle can be intimidating but thanks to John Deacon or as I had the privilege of referring him by his nickname "Deacy", he's helped me out by pulling me aside whenever the scene got too hectic especially for someone my age.

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenWhere stories live. Discover now