RA: Late night special; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

Okay so this chapter will be pretty scattered. This will be apart of a Future with Queen collab. Various points in today's timeline that present day Queen goes through. So for the next couple of parts you'll see Adam Lambert, the BoRhap cast, and maybe some live concert stuff with Queen+Adam Lambert. At least until I get around to doing my Masked Singer chapter and however many parts I want to do with Future with Queen segment. So for this fun little part, after seeing this a couple times I just HAD to do the James Corden Frontman battle for front manning Queen. So I hope you enjoy this little drabble, 

Up next the Bohemian Rhapsody bio-fic!


*Feb. 2nd, 2017. Late, Late show with James Corden*

It was during the Late, Late show with James Corden. As usual he was hosting his nightly talk show and this time he had special news to share. Queen as well as the Rock Angel were announcing a partnership summer tour of North America. 24 dates all across the USA.

He was also bragging about how when he was young, he'd dreamed that he'd make a good frontman for Queen.

"Who is it? Who is it now? Is it....is it Adam...."

"Lambert!" someone from the audience called out.

"Adam Lambert. That's it, Adam Lambert does it." It's true. For the past three years, just a few short years while he was on American Idol, Adam Lambert has been on tour as Queen's new additional front man after Paul Rogers.

The audience cheered after hearing the name while James Corden continued to say.

"Yeah, I mean it's alright. It should be a British man. I'm not saying I'd be a better frontman than him, I'm just saying I think I'd be a better frontman than him." His orchestra leading man laughed along with Corden as Corden went on to try and defend his statement. But it was at that moment the audience roared with applause as coming out was the young artist himself, Adam Lambert.

His highlighted hair sleeked back and combed over, sporting a leopard print shirt and his famed leather jacket as well as fingerless gloves, jeans and black boots. His nails painted black much like Freddie used to do back in the day.

He greeted the audience with a grin and nod before turning his attention to James who looked like he was in shock.

"James what's up?" asked Adam.

"Adam Lambert. That is so weird, we we're literally I was literally, we were literally just talking about you. That is so weird." James stammered.

"Yeah, yeah I know I can hear you back there." Adam briefly chuckled before continuing, "And you know I heard you say that you think would make a better frontman than me. For Queen. Yeah I heard you." At that point the audience oohed in a burn that James had been caught.

"No. No, no, no wait! Wait! No n-no. I don't think that I would make a better frontman for Queen, I know I would be a better frontman for Queen." James at first tried to defend himself, before finally making the blunt statement at the end of his sentence. The audience cheered as Adam stepped back looking at James Corden in a challenging manner while crossing his arms.

"Really? You really if you really think that, maybe we should go head to head James?" the audience cheered in agreement. James tried to calm the crowd down while Adam urged him on with the 'bring it on' motion with his fingers.

"Adam I would love nothing more than to embarrass you with these angelic pipes. But there's no way I can prove I'm a better frontman for Queen because Queen aren't here. So there we go now moving on."

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