RA: The wedding; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

Okay guys here we go, probably the most emotional part (happy emotional don't worry) that this series will ever be. Okay first thing I want to make clear is that this chapter has been brought to you by EHARMONY (lol just listen to the song above you'll find out) okay but for real the first thing I want to make clear is that IMAGES DO NOT BELONG TO ME. ALL CREDIT IS TO THE OWNERS I AM JUST USING THEM FOR VISUAL REFERENCES FOR THIS WEDDING CHAPTER. Secondly the songs I have listed for you all PLEASE GIVE THEM A LISTEN. I promise it'll be worth it :)


*July 12th, 1984*

"(Y/n). (Y/n) come on sweetheart wake up, we need to get you ready." I groaned in my sleep and opened my eyes to see Veronica standing over me.

"Ready for what?"

"Oh come on now don't play dumb. You know what today is. It's your big day, come on we've got to get you dressed and ready." It was then my mind suddenly clicked awake as I realized what today was.

My wedding day.

"Oh my god I'm getting married today."

"Yes you are, now get up. The girls and I are already getting dressed and we need to make the bride stand out as the fairest of them all." I got out of bed and Veronica escorted me to the master bedroom where I saw Chrissie, Dominique, Danneel, Gen, and my future mother in law Kelly all getting their makeup on.

"Ahh there she is!" Gen proclaimed.

"About time, come on sit down I just got done and now Veronica and I can get to work on your hair and makeup." Dani said. I went over to the makeup stand and sat down on the chair and Gen worked on my hair and makeup.

The whole morning was a hustle and bustle of women running around getting their dresses on, making sure everything was good, and checking to make sure that I was all good and ready.

"Do we have the bouquet?"

"Where's the flower girl basket?"

"Has anyone seen the curling iron?"

"Okay who was in charge of the wedding veil it's not here!"

"Check downstairs!" All those types of questions were proclaimed between all the bridesmaids as well as the future mother in law.

I swear if this is what every wedding is like, I only hope I just have to do this once.

It was an hour and a half into the preparations and we soon heard a knock at the door and Roger's voice soon called out.

"Fathers and brother of the bride entering! Hope everyone's decent."

"Do you have the groom with you? If so then get out you know they can't see each other!" Veronica called from upstairs.

"Nope, it's just us." Deacy called up to his wife from the bottom of the stairs.

You see the arrangement for the night before the wedding, the women were staying at Jared and Gen's house while the guys stayed at Jensen's and Dani's place. Then we'd all head over to Kelly's place for the wedding. And since they all lived within like 20-30min. from each other, it wouldn't be a long drive to get there.

Some of the girls went downstairs all dressed up in their bridesmaids dresses while Kelly was helping me with the final touches while we were still in the master bedroom.

"Okay, now one last thing and then you're complete." She then went over to her jewelry box and pulled out a beautiful pearl necklace. The pearls all gathered in the front but then at the part where it circled around to the back of the neck, the pearls were now a gold chain, I also took notice that at the very center of the necklace there stood a single diamond shining so brightly if held in the light just right. "I wore this on my wedding day, I find it only fitting that my future daughter-in-law should wear it at hers."

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