Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chapter 2

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*Author's note*

The picture above is what Gale Hood wears compared to what her brother does.  Now this chapter expect some minor hints of angst and NEVER FEAR DEAR READERS cause the next chapter will have our birthday boy in it :) The PIC IS NOT MINE CREDIT GOES TO THE OWNERS!!

Also I want to point out and I'll go back and fix this in the first part, to tell the difference between the actual story and where Alan O'Dale (aka Freddie) is narrating I'll make it BOLD LIKE THIS HERE. Just so no one's confused. Now for the cast in this part.

You are Gale Hood (obvi)

Sheriff of Nottingham: Alan Rickman (just type in his name along with the character and you'll see his costume for it. It's the same thing)

Adam Sharpe: John Deacon (think 1989 Deacy)

Veronica Sharpe: Deacy's lovely lady wife Veronica Tetzlaff

And the little Deaklings as themselves <3 :)

Chapter 2,

Gale Hood


Nottingham. The town that was once indeed the richest land in all of England, it was once known to be the mining town of gold and riches. But since the reign of Prince John, the town had been sucked dry of almost every cent. Now it lays in desolation of it's former glory. The poor people especially suffered greatly.

With no money the crops couldn't grow, people couldn't eat and the town suffered many deaths than when the plagues and famines came around. The Tax plague I'd personally call it. Every day taxes just kept pouring out and going higher and higher in demand which caused the people to starve to death.

Yes indeed my dears, Nottingham was in desperate need of help. And even after three days since Prince John offered a huge reward for the capture of Robin Hood, that handsome devil just kept robbing the rich to feed the poor.

But also my darlings, there was another figure helping out the poor people. Now I'm sure you recall earlier in the last chapter the mention of a woman and friend that both Little John and Robin knew. Well to introduce her, I'd like to point out a very special house. Come with me.

Far off to the edge of the city, there stood a tiny little cottage with smoke rising from the chimney. Now this quaint little cottage is the home of Sir Adam Sharpe. A blacksmith by trade. He is known for making the best heavy artillery and supplies that made Nottingham also the best line of defense. Hell even the soldiers in London use his weapons.

Even though his name was made famous for his weapons, he never once asked for glory, fame or even money to live in a mansion or hell even a palace. He preferred the quiet, domestic life, with his lovely wife and seven kids (quite the prolific man that Sharpe is). As a matter of fact, I think it might even be someone's birthday, don't you hear?

Inside the cottage the whole house was full of smiles and laughs as six kids were hopping around singing happy birthday. Standing side by side of each other was Adam Sharpe and his beautiful wife Veronica.

Adam Sharpe had short brown hair and a sharp profile-like face. His arms were slightly buffed from all his years as a blacksmith but he never once would throw his fists in anger. Beside him was a beautiful yet frail looking woman with long brown hair but a motherly like face.

You see after having their 7th child, little Aggie Sharpe, Veronica had fallen ill and it was then they decided that enough was enough. But steadily Veronica wasn't getting any better, no matter what medicine or herb she took.

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