Hallowqueen pt.2: The cat tamer; Freddie Mercury x reader

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*Author's note*

Well my dearies here we are with the second fate you have chosen for the Halloween fic. Now little BTS for this fic, I was tempted to make Freddie the Ringleader but the more I thought about lion tamers, the more Freddie seemed to fit the bill, but instead of just lions, he would be the all cat tamer so as you'll find out Freddie works with all the big cats.

Now like said before NO HAPPY ENDING; animal transformations, some violence, voodoo magic.


You've always had a fascination with the big cats. Lions, leopards, tigers, cougars, you name it. So it was only fitting to see if you could have a personal one on one talk with the cat tamer who somehow managed to wrestle a full grown male lion and not get ripped a part. Or force a tiger to be mounted and then jump through a fiery hoop.

So heading backstage, you could hear the roars of the tigers just shake you to your very core. But you can't help yourself. You pull back the flap and soon enough hundreds upon hundreds of ages filled with every bog cat in the show were all pacing back and forth roaring and growling at each other.

Then finally you saw him. He stood by the cage of a lion and lioness. The lion was sitting down looking like he was taking a rest while the lioness was up along the cage and the cat tamer was stroking her while softly praising her.

"Ohh that's my darling girl. You were phenomenal out there darling, yes you were. Now don't be cross you were the true star of the show. Yes you were." Wow, if you didn't know any better it's like he could tell exactly what she was saying from her huffing and low growls.

"Excuse me?" you ask him. He turns to look at you and says.

"Well, well a secret groupie I figured? Come for Roger, he's over by the pool." He said.

"Uhh no actually I uhh—I've come to.....meet you."

"Me? Really?" he asked amazed. You nod confirming your statement from earlier. "Wow, usually when people pass by here, it's usually to find old blondie. Bastard gets all the pretty girls to himself. But lucky for me I've got my lovely darlings right here for company."

"I can tell you share a strong bond with each of them. It was—unbelievable out there. I mean I've seen big cat acts before but none like what you've done."

"Thank you darling, I'll take that as a compliment." He said with a grin. "Oh silly me where are my manners?" he draped the whip along his hip and said, "The name's Freddie, Freddie Mercury."

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n)." you introduce yourself as you hold out your hand for him to shake. He does take it but by surprise, he leans in and kisses both of your cheeks.

"Rule one about me (y/n) dear, I'm overly affectionate like my children here. Hugs and kisses, handshakes are too formal form me."

"Ohh I see. Mr.—"

"Oh no, no, no. Freddie please, dear. Mr. Mercury makes me sound so old."


"No, no it's alright."

"Anyways I—wanted to ask. Just how long have you been doing this?"

"The circus or the cat taming?"

"Well both if you don't mind."

"Not at all, but please let's sit down. I've been on my feet all day and these shoes are fucking killing me!" You couldn't help but smile. He seemed charming and funny and you won't deny that he was pretty handsome.

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