Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chapter 5

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*Author's note*

Here we go with our first little action sequence. So some scenes contain blood, violence, and mature themes so little ones avert your eyes. Also a little sweet reunion scene happens here between our 4 lovers so I hope you all enjoy that :)

Chapter 5,

The Archery Tournament


The next day just as promised, everyone in Nottingham was gathered out in the fields to see the archery tournament. Every eligible archer had signed up for the chance to win either the golden arrow or get the kiss from the lovely Maid Marian.

As a parade marched around the field while the villagers gathered around to find a good seat, up on the throne stand, Prince John and Sir Heston stood looking over the crowd. Prince John was lightly bouncing with excitement as he told his serpent advisor.

"Heston, the time has come for me to finally enact my revenge. My trap is baited and set and then revenge! Revenge!"

"Shhh. Not so loud sire. I know how much this has meant to you but you don't want to give your plan away to capture Robin Hood so quickly."

"That insolent blackguard! Ohh! I'll show him who wears the crown!" Prince John proclaimed as he plopped down on his throne and slammed his hand on the armrest.

"I share your loathing sire. That scullery scoundrel who fooled you with that ridiculous disguise. Who dare insult your intelligence and superiority....."

"ENOUGH!!" Prince John exclaimed as he tried to hit Heston over the head but the python dodged his attack. "Heston, you deliberately dodged."

"But-but-but sire.....please."

"Stop sniveling and hold. Still." The prince sneered lowly. Heston straightened his head up and he was then hit on top of the head by Prince John.

"Thank you sire." Heston lowly groaned.

Soon arriving to the field grounds were Maid Marian, Prince James and Arthur Kirkland. Marian hugged her cousin and best friend saying.

"Oh you guys I'm so excited. But how will I recognize him?"

"Ohh he'll let you know somehow. That young rouge of yours is just full of surprises." Arthur said as he took Marian's hand and patted it.

"Yes cousin. If I remember that rascal, he'll do whatever it takes to get to you."

"Well don't leave yourself out James. I'm sure that wherever Robin goes, Gale is not far behind." Marian told her young cousin and the three of them walked on.

But oh little did they know was that just behind them hiding in the bushes and trees were the gang of rebels. Robin and Gilbert wearing similar peasant clothing and they each had their own handmade bows and arrows (that differed from the ones they normally used as to better hide their true identities).

While Little John and Gale wore royal clothing that befitted Hungarian royalty, and David wore a count's robes and Kit wore a captain of the Guard's armor.

"There she is lads. Golly—has she gotten even more beautiful." Robin said in awe.

"He grew his hair out. I did once tell him he'd look good with long hair. Never did I think it—he's like a God." Gale also whispered in awe.

"Cool it you two lovebirds. Your hearts are running away with your heads." Little John said as he handed Robin a large grey hat.

"Oh stop worrying. This disguise would fool our own mum, right Gale?" Robin said as he placed the hat on him and tied the blue bandana around his neck.

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