RA: A family torn apart; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

Okay guys this is it. The last chapter I have for you all before the big wait of the next update. Thank you all so much for the votes and reads and I can't wait to see the comments that will flood in (hopefully). Now like I mentioned in the previous chapter, this chapter will be FILLED with angst so be prepared and I've got the tissues and sweets ready for all you're upcoming broken hearts. Now I won't say anything else but the usual warnings and also say that Paul Prenter once again makes an appearance here so HEED THE WARNING. Hope you all enjoy my lovies and see you all on the next update of Rock Angel or any other Queen fics that I write.


*March 22nd, 1984*

I was walking through the studio along with Jack as we headed up to Miami's office. Once we reached it I knocked on the door and we both heard his voice say.

"Come in." I opened the door and I said as I peeked in through the door.

"Hey Jim, hope we didn't come at a bad time."

"None at all darling come in, I was just reorganizing some things for the lads and I just got done settling your stuff." I walked into his office and Jack soon followed behind me. Jim acknowledged my fiancée and Jack greeted Jim back with a handshake. We both took our seats and Jim said. "What can I do for you both?" Jack and I exchanged looks and I couldn't help the smile coming across my face as Jack proceeded.

"Well Jim. As you know after the tour ended last month (y/n) and I have been busy planning the wedding before her next recording deal by around the fall. We figured we needed to have the wedding as soon as possible so, we finally picked a date and location and we've made all the invitations."

"All morning Jack and I have been going door to door of everyone I knew in England of who I would like to see at the wedding. Hand delivering their letters personally just so that I would be sure they wouldn't get lost in the mail transaction. So," I explained as I took out from my purse a small white envelope with a salmon pink tie wrapped around it and a traditional wax seal.

I handed it over to Jim and he took it from me and untied the ribbon and broke the seal and fully opened the envelope to reveal a beautifully designed wedding invitation that read.

You've been cordially invited.

And when he opened it up it would read as followed;

To the Wedding of Jack and (Y/n) Kline

Date: July 12th, 1984

Location: Kline Family Ranch. 50421 Jackson Av. Lebanon, Kansas 66952. USA

Reservations by, May 20th, 1984.

"We'd really appreciate it if you could come to the wedding Jim." Jack said. Jim looked at us and he said.

"No other artist would think to invite their managers to their weddings."

"Yeah most would, however every artist isn't the Rock Angel. Jim without you....and I really do mean this, none of this would be possible. It's because of you Jack and I met each other. Had it not been for you accepting my application as your intern, I'd still be a college student still grieving over a broken heart because of her stupid wanker of an ex. I would never have gone to that club, and Jack would never have saved me. If anyone deserves to be at our wedding, it's you Jim Beach."

He may not have known it or maybe he did but I could see tears forming in Jim's eyes right there behind his desk. He blinked away the tears trying to compose himself and he said as we reached out for each other's hands.

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