RA: The Rock Angel rises; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

And here we are folks, the last chapter that I have for you all to catch up on. Thank you all so much for reading it and I hope to have the next part up hopefully as soon as I get some requests done. Hope you guys enjoy this part and until next time, stay beautiful darlings ;) 


April 20th, 1982

Frank Bough was hosting his Breakfast time interview discussing the next rising star of Britain.

"We first saw her make her big debut at a Queen concert at Madison Square Garden last year and ever since then she's been recording her first album which will be released at the start of summer. Her biggest single 'Set it all free' took her to the charts as the youngest performer at 19 years old. Let's have a listen." What would then play on the television was the newly made music video for "Set it all free".

(Y/n) was on the guitar in the same attire she wore that day at Madison Square garden, her hair this time was dyed a blood red as the chorus of "Set it all free" was being sung. As (y/n) would rock out in one shot, in another she was wearing normal clothes trying to escape the confines of what appeared to be a jailcell she would constantly beat against the walls trying to escape but then cry every now and then.

"(Y/n) (l/n) welcome to the show."

"Oh Frank it's an honor to be here, how are you?" I asked as I leaned up against the couch and extended my hand out to him.

"I'm doing well and you?" he said as we both shook hands.

"Fine thank you."

"Well you have truly made a name for yourself, the Rock Angel tell me where did that name come from? Did you come up with it yourself?"

"No I'm terrible at coming up with names" I joked out as I laughed. "It was actually Freddie who came up with the name Rock Angel. Back when I was helping them and when I told them that I had written songs and played music he'd always just call me their little 'Rock Angel'."

"Now when you say, 'work for them', how do you mean?"

"I was an intern for Jim Beach."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. At the time he was asking for interns at my University and I was one of probably hundreds of other young kids to apply and by some miracle I was picked and the rest is history."

"Now on your album 'Set it all free' you also include Queen on a couple of your tracks. Is that because of your history with them?"

"I love my boys so much. When it was fully announced that I was to make my first full length album after my single was released, they were so supportive and happy for me. And actually it's a sweet story, I was recording my album at Rockfield studios, the same place where they recorded their hit Bohemian Rhapsody as well as the rest of their Night at the Opera album. And while I was recording they just suddenly popped in for a visit....."

*November 11th, 1981*

I have been here at Rockfield studios for the past six weeks now recording my first album 'Set it all Free'. Now I began to understand why Fred said they needed to be away from all distractions to record A Night at the Opera, because out here with all the country side, the fresh air, never have I felt such creativity flow through me.

I mean sure I've hit a couple of speedbumps and obstacles when it came to some songs but after feeding the chickens and riding the horses, I would suddenly get inspired.

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