RA: Moments with mini-angel; Kline family

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*Author's note*

Like I said everyone, here is the 2nd part for the Mini-angel moments and this time we get to see the inlaws. So the return of the SPN fam WOOT-WOOT. Of course I didn't forget them, here I've given a reason for just why they couldn't be there at the birth so I hope this makes up for it but now we get to see the special reveal on how Jack's family reacts to the baby angel. Plus a little something special towards the end between our beloved RA and her mother in law. Enjoy my lovelies, the next person will be Brian and I hope I'll have that done in a couple of days.


*Kline family meets the baby*

3 weeks after Kelly was born just shortly before the Christmas holiday, Jack and I flew back to Lebanon, Kansas to finally introduce baby Kelly to her American family. At the time of Kelly's birth, mum and Misha were both sick, Jared and Gen got over worked and Jensen and Dani had to deal with JJ who got the chickenpox from a kid at school.

Now with everyone feeling better, we figured it was time for our baby girl to meet the rest of her family. We arrived at Lebanon the next day after taking off (thankfully Kelly did so good during the flight. Of course I had the flight attendants hand out newsletters of a brand new baby on board just in case we got any beef with anyone).

But Kelly basically slept through the flight with only a few cries but they were soon stopped as soon as she either got fed or changed.

Finally after arriving at the airport we soon had a brush of Deja vu as Jensen was waiting for us at the airport. But this time he had Jared with him and when they saw us they waved.

We walked right up to them and the second they saw Kelly, those big giants were a puddle of mush.

"Oh my god look at her. She's so tiny." Jensen softly cooed.

"God I don't know who she looks like more." Jared whispered.

"Oh every bit like her beautiful mom." Jack praised. I smiled at Jack and I put in.

"I don't know. She definitely at time if she turned her head a certain way, she's got your profile. Especially your nose."

"Well whoever she ends up looking like, she'll be a beautiful baby. Bad news for you Jack you've got your hands full." Jensen teased at the end.

"Okay well we better get out of here so that way we don't over stimulate her hearing. (Y/n) you can go with Jensen to the car, Jack and I will grab the bags." Jared said as he handed Jensen the car keys.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Besides we took my car anyway since we still had our booster seat from when Shep was a baby."

"Okay if you're sure."

"He is. Come on baby mama let's get you and the mini-you out of this loud hellhole." Jensen said as he wrapped an arm around me and guided me out of the airport.

When we got to the parking garage, Jensen unlocked a 1984 grey Volvo station wagon.

"Kinda a lame car I know. But this is the family car according to my brother. Tried to convince him he could get the new Ferrari with his paycheck but no." he dragged out the no.

"Oh shut it. It reminds me of Deacy's car. Except his is that more traditional brown on tan brown pattern."

"Wait, wait. Deacy. You mean the John Deacon has a freakin Volvo?" he asked surprisingly.

"Oh yeah. Jensen when you have a wife and four kids, you gotta have a family safe car."

"Yeah I guess so. Okay let's get the little munchkin strapped in. Plus you'll need to learn how to do this."

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of Queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن