RA: New Years with the band; Queen x reader

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*Author's note*

I had this posted at the start of 2019 so can we pretend to go back in time a week early and pretend that you all are reading this on the first day of 2019? If not then that's fine. But I hope you all enjoy this little fic guys and to those of you who are back in school by now, I hope your new year goes well and that you do well in all your classes, graduate or pass them. Meanwhile I go back in a couple of weeks and to those of you who have sent in requests I AM SOOO SORRY!!! I will try to speed through them and get them all up to you all ASAP. Anyways I hope you all are enjoying this series, next up we will have the fic that started it all that I know most of you have probably already read by now.


*December 31st, 1980*

This has been a crazy three months and here I am in Freddie Mercury's house with a whole bunch of strangers plus the rest of the band and their wives to ring in the New Year. Of course Adam didn't want to come even though I tried to convince him to come, but he said that he was just too cool to be around a band like Queen.

It was 15 minutes till midnight and 1981 would soon be here. I was at the food table trying to get a second plate of brownies and basically fill up on sugar to keep myself awake. Most of the people were already hammered beyond anything else so I had to walk over some of their unconscious bodies till I finally reached the guys.

"Ahh there's our best girl!" Freddie praised at he held his glass up almost as if he were giving a toast.

"Oh stop it Fred, I literally just saw you five seconds ago."

"Five very long seconds." He whined as I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"Isn't that your second batch of sweets already?" asked Brian.

"Sugar keeps me up, otherwise I'd be asleep in the corner hours ago after all that I've been through this semester." I said.

"But I thought you loved us? Guess we were nothing but a stress factor to you then huh?" Deacy snapped clearly teasing me as I noticed a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

"No, no, no, no don't you guilt me Deacy! You know I love you guys! This has literally been the best semester I've had, I just can't believe in a couple more months I'll be done and then I won't see you guys till your next tour before Miami clears my internship credit."

"I can't believe you'll be leaving us after our tour, I feel like you should stay here with us even after the tours done. I'd miss you too much darling." Freddie said as he leaned over and hugged me close to him before kissing my cheek.

"In all seriousness love, maybe you should cut back on the sweets, you'll crash faster if you keep eating sugar, take some of these," he then handed me a couple of his celery sticks and baby carrots. I looked at him with a 'seriously' look as I said.

"Really? Veggies Bri?"

"Less you want cavities for the new year I suggest you eat those. Otherwise I'll have Dr. Taylor here take a look at your mouth since he studied dentistry."

"Wait for real?" I asked as I turned around and faced him.

"This whole time we've known each other and you never once bothered to listen to what I did in school. Really (y/n) what kind of friend are you?" Roger said in a mocked hurt tone. I threw my baby carrot at him which made all of us laugh and we continued to chat till the midnight hour drew closer.

Time sure does go by when you're having fun with friends because now as everyone gathered to watch the ball drop live from New York City. We were just 2 minutes away to ring in the New Year and as everyone began the countdown, the anticipation was growing as it got closer and closer.

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