Wizard of Oz: Queen x pre-teen reader Chap. 1; Somewhere over the rainbow

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well do I have a special treat for you. My next Queen MOVIE AU! style fic. And this one is based on the all time classic film, The Wizard of Oz. I hope you all come to like this AU! fic as much as you all have loved the Aladdin one. Now I've got FIVE YES THAT'S RIGHT FIVE chapters done of this fic done already so I hope you appreciate the binge reading you all will soon be doing :)

Warnings: Dog bites, mentions of dog being put down, fluff, bit of angst, parents death, Paul Prenter (yes he's a big warning might as well put it there), and of course fluffy 1970's Queen.


The summer of 1975 would be a year I would never forget for as long as I live. Not only did I see history come to life, but I also experienced something that almost seemed right out of my favorite movie, The Wizard of Oz. But before I begin, I would like to tell you who I am.

My name is (Y/n) Gale and I live at Rockfield farm studios with my Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. My parents died in a car crash when I was just 4 years old, so my uncle Henry (my father's eldest brother) took me in and he and Aunt Em became my parental figures.

The only thing my parents left behind was my fateful Welsh Corgi that I named Toto (yes I named him after the dog from the Wizrd of Oz, deal with it). He's literally the only thing I have left to remember my parents by and he's always been there for me when I needed him.

I was 12 years old when the famed band Queen came to our home/farm to record their next big album. And throughout that time I grew close to them, and like I mentioned before it was also the day that would change my life forever.

And so our story begins.

It was mid-July and I was running back towards the house with Toto at my side. I had been asked by my uncle to go to the market to grab some food for the guys, however I was forced to go along with the band's 'manager' Paul Prenter.

God that guy just really pisses me off. He's creepy, manipulative, and wicked. Toto always sensed something off about him cause whenever he came around, Toto would bark and try to bite him. This time he did manage to finally bite Paul on the leg after he snapped at me for not grabbing the right apples for Freddie.

After he bit him, I took Toto and ran right out of the store with Paul threatening to get the police involved. We stopped just a few feet from the house and I knelt down to Toto and said.

"I think we lost him. He didn't hurt you did he?" I checked him over and felt no bumps or cuts. I hugged Toto close to me and sneered, "He tried to though. But we better go tell Aunt Em what happened. We can't let the police get involved. C'mon Toto."

We took off running the rest of the way home. I hopped over the fence that surrounded our home and raced down the hill with Toto running just ahead of me.

"Aunt Em! Aunt Em!" I soon came up to the farm to see my aunt and uncle near the old incubator counting the freshly hatched baby chicks. "Oh Aunt Em you won't believe what happened at the market! Paul said......"

"(Y/n) please dear we're trying to count."

"But Aunt Em Paul said that he's gonna get the police to take....."

"Not now (Y/n)! This old incubator finally died out and we're more than likely to lose all of our chicks." Uncle Henry said to me sternly as he placed some of the chicks into his hat.

"Aww the poor little things." I grabbed on chick and held it close to my face so that it wouldn't die of pneumonia. As Aunt Em placed some of the chicks in with their mother in a small chicken cage, I continued to tell them. "But at the market place Paul was yelling at me and Toto was just defending me! Now he's gonna get the police to take Toto away! But like I told you he was just protecting me cause Paul was yelling at me for picking up the wrong apples that Freddie likes!"

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