Quarantine fun times and tickles; Joe Mazzello x reader

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*Author's note*

Okay so to anyone who might NOT have known Joe did do a Youtube update to his channel and hopefully to lighten up these dark times as we're all under quarantine, I figure I'd do this little fluffy fic to hopefully brighten up your spirits my friends :) And you guys can watch the video above in case you never seen it. So not really any warnings just PURE UNADULTERATED FLUFF!!! Hope you all enjoy this fic and we're all in this together.


With this whole Corona quarantine putting everyone in isolation, I was thankful that my boyfriend of over 3 years Joe Mazzello was home again. He was doing some film with my favorite childhood actress Ashley Tisdale (of course he wouldn't tell me the name of the project, just something having to do with ducks and them up in a farm). But now the project has been put on hold and now Joe and I were stuck at home just doing whatever.

I was currently sitting down in the living room watching the Ridiculousness weekend marathon that MTV is doing every weekend in order to keep everyone inside. The show was one of my guilty pleasures cause it's the only show on MTV I watch.

Yeah they do some of the gross stuff like puking or farts, but they also do some really funny, epic or cute videos (and those are what I love).

I just saw a video of a man trying to leap up on a trashcan and he managed to successfully jump up on top of it and not fall through. But when his friend tried to do the same trick, his feet went right through the lid and he as well as the trashcan fell over and he slammed his back right on the concrete.

"Ohh! Ow! He is not Elf material."

"Too much weight." Both Steelo and Channel said and I nodded in agreement.

"Definitely too much weight. That guy was definitely not Elf material. Too much force on his knees when he did the jump." It was then I heard the muffled shouts of my boyfriend coming up from our room. "Oh dear, he's at it again."

I forced myself off the couch and walked up the stairs and as I got closer to the bedroom, I heard Joe's voice proclaimed.

"CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE CAN YAH?! I'll just wear this to auditions. Perfect. THANKS FOR NOTHING!!!" I opened the door and I said.

"Have you finally cracked under the pressure of quarantine again Joey?"

"Baby no I'm making a Youtube video for my channel." He answered.

"Oh shit I'm sorry."

"Hey no swearing missy! This is a family show! Folks I'd like to introduce you to someone you know, my lovely lady (y/n). Yeah everybody there's my gorgeous girl right there." He turned his camera right at me and I shyly ducked my face into my hands and gave the camera a wave.

"Please tell me you aren't live streaming right now."

"Nah I'm just gonna upload it later on." He set the camera back down and I sat down on the bed and said.

"What's got you to upset this time? I could hear you screaming from downstairs."

"Not intentionally mad. Just—tell me and be honest. Do I really look like this stuffed animal broccoli thing?" he held up the bigger sized stuffed broccoli with the smiley face. "Cause a fan said this reminds them of me in Bohemian Rhapsody. And I thought the whole purpose of being a stan was to be nice to them. This qualifies as unattractive."

He held it up to his face so that I could see if there was a resemblance between the two. I put on my thinking face and stroked my imaginary beard before I deducted.

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