RA: Moments with mini-angel; Roger Taylor

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*Author's note*

Hey guys been awhile since there was a Rock Angel update but I FINALLY CAME THROUGH!!! Managed to finish this up last night and it's the last but def. not least member of Queen to have his one on one time with baby angel :) Had to figure out what I wanted to do with Roger cause with the bond I already had him and Rock Angel have, I knew I had to make the relationship with his goddaughter JUST as special (at least I hope I did)

So that's it for now and until the next time enjoy my lovelies :)


*New lion cub; Roger Taylor. 4 months old. Surrey, England*

I was rushing around the house trying to get myself ready. I don't know why I agreed to do this interview in the first place? I wasn't ready nor in the 'physical condition' to make a public appearance yet.

I was still trying to lose the post-pregnancy weight I had gained, now all the critics are gonna call me out on even more curves.

"You're muttering again." I heard Jack's voice say.

"I don't mutter." I sassed at him.

"Yes you do. You always mutter whenever you get extremely insecure." Jack came up behind me from the bathroom door and wrapped his arms around me. "Now c'mon, what's going on in my Rock Angel's mind?"

"Just.......insecurities." he sighed heavily.

"This is about the TV interview today isn't it?"

"Could I possible call in and cancel it? Plus we can just stay here with Kelly." I suggested.

"No we can't. Look, I know you've been trying your best to lose the post-pregnancy weight but baby you look just as beautiful as before. Hell you look even more beautiful with them. And if some asshole wants to poke fun at them then he clearly has no life than to bring others down. And that is literally a shit way to live." I looked up at him as cupped the side of his jawline.

"Why are you so good to me?"

"Because if I wasn't then I'd have the hottest rock band beating my ass all over the world three times over."

"Well Rog would beat you till the end of time."

"See there we go!" I giggled softly as he kissed the side of my face up and down. "Funny and sexy. I really hit the jackpot with you."

"Flattery will get you nowhere Jack Kline."

"Not true, it got me you." I turned towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Before I could say anything back to him, the phone rang. I stepped out of the bathroom and picked up the phone connected to our nightstand.


'Hello (y/n) dearie, this is Trudy calling.'

"Oh hi Mrs. Cushing, how are you?"

'I'm afraid not good dearie. I suddenly fell ill with the flu so I'm afraid I can't come over and babysit for you.'

"Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about that Mrs. Cushing."

'I really hate to drop this on you at the last minutes but—'

"No, no it is what it is. I'm sorry but it would be better if you stayed home and rest."

'Oh thank you so much for understanding dear. I would hate to give the sweet little one what I got, especially with her recent colic recovery.'

"Absolutely yes. Well I hope you feel better Mrs. Cushing, take care."

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