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Okay this is an author's note so sorry for the sorrow in no update to this fic yet. But I would like to point out to ALL of you to go onto my profile and search up my latest fic on my Random Reader oneshots/series book 2 which I have just completed.

Time travel rescue

For this fic is not only Doctor Who related, it features the REAL QUEEN BAND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This fic was requested by @3a08161 so if you're wondering where your request is at my dear, it's right in the next book. I figured since it's mostly centered around the Doctor Who universe, it needed to be in my Random Reader's 2 book.

So I would like to point out that in the book you will read, it involves the REAL members of Queen, NOT THE BORHAP BOYS BEING QUEEN. I'm sorry but I hope you all understand and can accept that fate. So for those of you who love TIME TRAVEL THEMES involving our beloved band, go to my profile, go to my random x reader book 2 and enjoy reading my lovely darlings :)

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenWhere stories live. Discover now