W.O.O. Queen x pre-teen reader Chap. 4; Meeting the kind Tinman

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*Author's note*

That's one character down, and two more to go on your wild adventure through the land of Oz. Now we are introduced to the next character that'll join your crew. Here comes the Tinman and I think you all will appreciate whom I've chosen in the end to play him :) so enjoy this next part and unfortunately the next part will be the last part for awhile till I get chapter 6 up and ready (I'm like halfway through it so hopefully it should be soon). Until then enjoy this chapter as much as you've enjoyed the others.

Warning: Poaching mentioned, fire, 


When morning finally arrived, I woke up to something tickling my nose. I twitched in my sleep but didn't really respond to it. I felt it happen again, this time I felt it stroke across my cheek. I moaned tiredly and turned away from it but the next thing I knew, I felt it stroke down my neck and even felt slow shapes being drawn on my neck.

Being that my neck is my most ticklish spot, I giggled and opened my eyes to see Scarecrow smiling down at me, holding a piece of hay in his hand.

"Good morning (y/n)."

"Scarecrow what was all that about?" I asked him as I rubbed my neck trying to rid of the ticklish feeling.

"Sorry I couldn't resist. Has anyone told you that you look adorable when you sleep? You look like a tiny....little chipmunk." I softly laughed as I sat up and stretched my arms out.

"My uncle Henry used to always call me that when I was little."

"And the name suits you. Cause chipmunks are cute, tiny and sweet. Just like you." he teased as he teased the tip of my nose with the strand of hay he still had in his hands. I brushed it away as he chuckled at me but soon his chuckles turned to laughter.

"What's so funny?"

"You've got some hay in your hair." He said through his laughter. I felt around my hair and soon enough I pulled out on strand of hay.

"Don't laugh it's not that funny." I laughed along with him.

"No, no, no. Of course not. Just—never did I think you were secretly a scarecrow too." He laughed as he scooted closer to me. "Here, let me help you." he then carefully began to pick off any strand of hay that had gotten tangled up in my hair.

Most of it was pretty easy to get out but some were twisted so deep into my hair that it hurt trying to get them out. Any sign of discomfort or soft whine of pain I made, he apologized before finally getting the last strand of hay out of my hair.

"There all done."

"Thanks scarecrow."

"No problem, best to always get hay out as soon as possible otherwise it just becomes a mess. But if I'm being honest I would've left them in. It made your cuteness level just go even higher." I blushed and said.

"So shall we continue to Oz?"

"Yes, let's." he quickly grabbed the pile of hay and stuffed it back into his shirt and we proceeded to continue down the yellow brick road.

It must've been another hour or so till we finally reached some sort of apple tree farm. All around us were apple trees with the most richest and bright red apples. My stomach grumbled loudly and I giggled softly.

"Guess I'm hungrier than I thought I would be."

"Well there's hundreds of apples to choose from. Pick whichever one calls out to you." said scarecrow. We stepped off the road and onto the farm soil and I went up to the closest tree and picked off the first apple. Suddenly the tree grabbed my hand just before I could take a bite and slapped my hand.

Bohemian Rhapsody and the boys of QueenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora